002. the last show.

Start from the beginning

"Why are you talking like that?" the room was quiet. "What?" Nick chuckled, anxiety laced within his words.

Devon slowly strived towards him, grabbing his chin within her fingers. "Look at me," Nick didn't look up from his lap, instead his hands snaked around her waist. "Goddammit Nick, look at me!" Devon finally yelled.

Slowly, his eyes met hers. His pupils were fully dilated, eyes slightly red. Nick's entire eye nearly covered black as his face stayed emotionless. She couldn't read him, he was completely numb and in another world, not even through his eys could she see how he truly felt.

"You liar," she spat, "You fuckin' liar."

"Dev, it was just a few quick lines! Nothing more to it!" Nick retorted, trying to excuse himself.

"You told me you were clean, for five fucking months you told me you were clean! I took time out of competing to help your sorry ass get clean, I sacrificed a lot for your dumbass and you do this to me, right now? Half an hour before competing?" Devon was furious. Nick was her boyfriend, she loved him, she liked to think, but she didn't really know what love was when she wasn't around him.

Nick had been there since the beginning of the season. Originally, he was just a member of the team, someone to help - then he soon started helping Devon in her own personal, sexual ways, which led to feelings being caught and kisses with much more than sexual need laid within. She soon learnt about his problem, his addiction. It started with Opioids, he told her, which then quickly dived into heroin and his personal favourite being coke. She promised to help in whatever way she could, and he swore he wanted to get clean - for her.

"Dev, I promise it was nothing! A few lines don't hurt-" Nick was cut off by her furious words, "Bullshit! It hurts more than you think. It's - It's gonna drive you back into old habits and its gonna be a never ending cycle, just like it was before!"

"You have no faith in me? I can stay clean, it was just a line or two to keep the nerves down. And now, you're jumping to conclusions again and being fucking cruel." Nick said venomously.

"I don't fucking care!" Devon suddenly yelled, "Nick, I don't care! I have to be fucking cruel or you'll never get yourself together, you can't go around thinking everything you do isn't hurting yourself and everybody fucking around you!"

A knock on the hotel door interrupted their argument, "Miss Howard, we have to get going now."

Nick looked at her, his eyes cold. "If you leave this room right now, after everything we've just talked about, I won't be here when you return."

At this point, Devon couldn't fucking care less. Any love she had ever received was a painful lie, an act. A show put on by cruel fuckers, low-lifes who get joy out of Devon's trauma and vulnerability. So now, this far into the season, she wasn't going to let a liar dictate her future, not again.

Walking out the door, she didn't glance back.

"I heard screaming, Miss Howard, are you okay?" Penelope asked carefully. Thing is, Penelope gossiped, so whatever her ears absorbed her mouth would spout out. So naturally, Devon told her to;

"Fuck off, Penny."

Arriving at the rink, Devon sat on a wooden bench as she tied her figure skates up tightly. This dance, the final competition, it had a lot of meaning to it, to her. The dress she was wearing was hand-crafted specially from a small boutique owner in Central London. Devon had heard of them all over social media and decided to ask for a personal request for the show, of course, they agreed. The dress was stunning, a light pink with slighter darker shade of pink and white sequins decorating all around, long sleeves with a slight flare on display too. Devon had specially wanted this dress, she'd shown the woman the sketch and she laughed claiming it "looked like a four year old drawing", main reason was because it was.

Little Cassie and Devon sat on the sofa of the living room, both of them had been in figure skating for around a year now and they were drawing their dream dresses they'd love to wear whilst preforming. 'Wicked Games' by Chris Isaak was playing in the background, Lexi flicking through all the channels, "Leave this song on, Lex, please." Lexi nodded towards her sister and skipped over, intrigued by their designs.

Cassie had drew a beautiful dress, sparkling pink with darker pink and white sequins covering the fabric, sleeves were flared yet still styled perfectly. Her little messy character had her hair done into a braided bun, a joyful smile plastered across her rosy cheeks. The skater's makeup was light, still matching with the shades of the dress with a light pink eyeshadow and white and pink rhinestones placed perfectly across her eyeliner and inner corner of her eyes, her lip shade was slightest darker than the rest, a casual nude.
On the other hand, Devon's dress was coloured in a feathered blue crayon. Her sketched skater wore a sequenced blue costume with peacock feathers sewn just above the fabricated breast area, a grand dark blue jewel place adorning the middle of the feathers. For her skater's makeup, Devon had drew a dramatic blue and green eye look matching the colors of her dress, copying Cassie with the rhinestone-studded face look.

"Wow!" Lexi clapped giddily at the two drawings.

Once the dress was finished, Devon could've cried. It was the exact dress Cassie drew, each sequin placed exactly on point, down to the flares with the same odd lines.

Devon's name was called, and the ice that covered the rink wasn't the thing making her bones chill, yet the nerves was making her shudder. Her mind was plagued, something she really didn't need, with thoughts of Nick. Where was he right now? Did he really leave? He lied before, so he'd lie again, right?

Before she even knew it, Devon was subconsciously in her starting position, and then, 'Wicked Games' by Chris Isaak rang through the stadium.

Devon was lost in the moment.

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