Thicker Than Water (Part 2) | "Family is what you make it."

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I watched the light start to flicker in and out in front of my eyes, the flames of the campfire dying down.

Kenny: Put some more wood in it, would ya, Emma?

I nodded, picking up a nearby log and throwing it in, but it didn’t do much as the wind picked up and nearly blew it out completely.

Kenny: Ah, shit. Hey, Clem, grab the lighter out the duffel, will ya?

She got up, getting her lighter and passing it over to my dad who tried to start the fire up again. There was now only a dim glow coming from it now, scaring AJ, making him start to cry into the night. I quickly moved over to him, holding one of his hands while Clem held the other.

Emma: Come on, cowboy. You can be strong for a minute, right?

Kenny: Voila!

He got the fire going again, the flames licking the wood around it before spreading upwards and beginning to roar. But before we could go back to relaxing, a walker groaned from behind a tree nearby, approaching our camp, attracted by the sound and light.

Clementine: Hey! Get away from him!

I got up, taking out my knife and knocking the walker off its feet before stabbing it in the head. I walked back over to see Clem holding AJ and I went back to hold the boy’s hand while making funny faces at him to make him feel better. By the end, both me and Clementine were laughing as well.

Kenny: Is he okay?

Emma: Yeah, he’s strong. Still not bitten, right, cowboy?

Kenny: You know, the first time I saw you both holdin’ AJ, it just looked so natural. Somewhere up there, his mama is looking down on you two. Grateful for what you’re doing. Always putting him first…

Clementine: We’d do anything to keep him safe.

Emma: And we owe it to Rebecca.

Kenny: She’d be proud. You're the only mama’s he has now. Protective, loving, caring… All the things good parents need to be and all at your two’s ages. But parenthood is a hell of a motivator, heh – that’s for sure. That kinda love…

He looked at me and I smiled broadly, making him return it.

Clementine: It brings out the best in us. I felt it with Lee.

Emma: I felt it with you.

Kenny: Lee was a good man, could’ve treated him better… I know that now. And you, Emma, I did my best. Hell… was terrible at some points, but I’m here now.

Emma: I’m glad you are.

I felt AJ shiver slightly before coughing into his bandana, eyes slightly red.

Kenny: Ugh! Kid’s as sick of the cold as I am. So I’ve been thinking… It’s no use survivin’ out here, hopin’ that Wellington’ll take us in someday. I bet we find some good people down in Florida. Maybe even a little friend for this goofball. Wouldn’t that be nice? We could use the company. Hell, I know I could.

Emma: Not many good people out there anymore.

Kenny: If there aren’t, it’s ‘cause we keep losing ‘em. Like Sarita. That day outside Howe’s… You were just trying to save her life. I never thanked you for that.

Stepping Away: TWDG (Book Three, Clementine x Fem!Oc)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن