A Second Meeting

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  • Dedicated to anyone who's enjoying the story!

Some Rob and Eva action! What shall their ship name be?

The King did not stay for much longer after his grand announcement and was gone the next morning. It has always amazed me how one can arise so early! As a sign of respect I had to be up to wave him off and appear regretful of his early departure, but I was secretly glad that my uncle, the closest member of my family to me, had gone. Now I would begin to plan a way out of this ill fated marriage.

The sun shone so brightly one day the next week that I felt obliged to leave my studies for the day and flee back to the meadow for the first time since the incident involving Rob. Rob, even his name brought back the feeling of his hand in mine as we stood on either sides of the silver divide. The river wasn't just a physical gap between us that was easily crossed with a leap, but also a symbol for the separation between our worlds that not even the longest stride or strongest bridge would ever be able to negotiate.

The warm air rushed through the back door as I opened it slowly; afraid a creak would reveal my absence from what I was expected to be doing right now. When I felt the heat reach my skin I quickly shrugged off my shawl and stuffed it in a vacated plant pot in the hope no one would notice it there till I returned. I shut the door behind me as I safely stashed my favourite book under my arm and began my swift descend into the meadow.

The grass was still dewy from the morning as I spread out my skirts on to the flowered floor amongst the poppies. I knew no more for hours as the epic romance novel I read overcame my world and mind. By the amount of times I had read this same book you would think it was dog-eared with a severely cracked spine, but I loved nothing more then to stroke its binding and creamy pages. I didn't even use a page marker as I was born with the amazing talent of finding my currant page without memorising the page number. It was a gift I was incredibly grateful for and valued highly as I believed it to be my one and only skill worth while and usable.

The subtle wind rose briefly and caused my pages to turn unexpectedly and also for my hair to blow beside me in and into my face. I carefully placed the book down in an attempt to tame my hair. I could tell I was unsuccessful as I heard a snort from the other side of the stream. I looked over and my breath caught in my throat when I saw none other than Rob looking at me with an amused expression on his handsome face.

"Having trouble there?" He asked with a chuckle while all I could do was try not to swallow the hair that seemed to desperately want to be tasted by my mouth. I didn't answer immediately as with one last pull I managed to sort out my mane before another gust of wind timed it perfectly to send it back into disarray. When finally the breeze died down and Rob had appeared to laugh all he was going to, I spoke.

"Rob? What are you doing here?" I questioned him with an attempt at a scowl, but I was sure my eyes gave away how pleased I was to see him. He was, after all, the real reason I had come to the meadow today.

"Why are you so keen to know? Have you missed me, Poppy?" He replied with questions of his own. I remembered my deception when he spoke my "name" and mentally shook myself. I had missed him...

"You didn't answer me!" I exclaimed standing up slowly and wandering over to the divide between us. He smiled broadly at my whinny tone and also took a step closer so there was no longer a massive gap between us, I could reach forward and touch him if I wanted to.

"Neither did you!" He shrugged not feeling guilty at all, all's fare in love and war, I didn't know why I thought that. Eva, you need to stop thinking like that, I told myself briskly

"I asked first so you should answer first," I said childishly

"That's a bit immature, don't you think?" He asked, eerily echoing my thoughts.

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