✞︎┆⁰⁵· do i ⛥·˚

Start from the beginning

ᅟ✞︎ club time came...

"huh. she's also not here?" vox mumbled after they all entered the club room.

after classes, they dropped by y/n's section to come with her to their club room, but she wasn't there. they couldn't ask the students where she went since they all tried avoiding them.

"maybe she's with the librarian again?" ike asked.

"aww... did you like it?" y/n asked while stroking the cat's head.

"eat up more. i really made that for you." she added. "once i get a club fund, i'll stop using my allowance on the club and i'll buy you lots of food!"


"mhmm mhmm! i promise!"

y/n just watched the cat munch the food she specifically made for her. after she ate, y/n also gave her water before she continued playing with her.

the cat was abandoned and it lives in the school backyard. but the guard always chases it away so it ended up outside the school, under a bridge.

y/n couldn't bring the cat home, so instead, she gave her a box to live on and she would visit her almost every day.

"aww you want belly rubs?" y/n asked when the cat suddenly laid down on its back.

"i'm sorry i haven't been visiting you much. things were so busy at the club." y/n said. "but since when did you become so fat? are you pregnant?"

y/n carefully analyzed the cat she named nemu.

her nipples are turning pinker. she's more affectionate today too.

"come here," y/n called and carried the cat. nemu didn't even retaliate and nemu doesn't even like being carried.

i left my wallet in my room. she thought and brought the cat back down.

"i'll be back!"

y/n immediately ran back to the school and her room. she immediately took her wallet and ran back down. she even ignored all the stares— if only she could do that every day instead of overthinking about it.

"i'm back!" y/n slid down, only to see a magenta-haired guy petting nemu.


"hmm? leto?" shoto mumbled. "what are you doing here?"

y/n blinked. "i'm here to bring nemu to the nearest vet."

"nemu..?" he whispered and glanced at the cat. "you mean guildy?"


the two of them just stared at each other confused, before they chuckled.

"i've been seeing the cat every other day since i couldn't bring her home." y/n said and sat beside shoto.

"i visit her sometimes as well, but i never saw you." shoto said.

y/n glanced at shoto, only to see him with a little smile and a faint blush under his eyes while petting nemu.

"ah!! kaichō!!" y/n yelled. "you're not supposed to come out of school, aren't you?!"

shoto's face immediately turned red. "y-you too, right?! what are you doing here?! you know i can put it on your record that y-you're skipping classes!!"

"b-but i'm gonna take nemu to the vet!"

the both of them just stared at each other in distraught.

"let's take guildy to the vet." he just said and carried the cat by her armpits.

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