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(#Celltober2021 | artworks by saineko08, stories by Moriko_)

(#Celltober2021 | artworks by saineko08, stories by Moriko_)

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Regulatory T Cell - Cells at Work! BLACK

«Thank you. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here today.»
The blonde-haired girl was holding a tiny beneficial bacteria, the same bacteria that had been the cause of her differentiation into a Regulatory T Cell. That little creature had given her the necessary strength to overcome any difficulty, without doing anything special: simply staying by her side and helping her in her time of need.
She, who by nature believed that all bacteria were enemies, would never have thought to meet one of them that would save her life.
That creature was the one who helped her in the differentiation process, just when she didn't know what to do because she felt so weak and helpless.
It was really because of that bacteria that she understood what her role in that world would be.
She owed everything to it, who through a single gesture had made her understand that "no cell is perfect, but that each one of them had to work together to compensate for each other's weaknesses", just as that red blood cell from outside had reminded her.
Although that beneficial little bacterium would soon leave her to help other cells that like her needed to differentiate, she would never forget it.
It was because of that bacteria that she had become stronger and braver.
And she would return its kindness by doing everything she could to make that little creature happy.

«Would you like a cookie? It's very good, I always eat them when I'm at work!»

The tale of cells (ENG)Where stories live. Discover now