Chapter Two: There's No "I" In Team

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"Dude! If you think you can do a better job by yourself, than just go for it, man." Dustin said. "Maybe, I will." Shane said. "Fine." Tori said. "Let's go." I said. "Later, dude." Dustin said. The three of us left.


Tori, Dustin and I got back to the base. "Where's Shane?" Cam asked. "I don't know, singlehandedly saving the world." Dustin said. "Yeah, I guess it's nice being a one man army." Tori said.

"Each piece has it's place. Shane will learn, but you must help him." Sensei said. "That's the problem, he won't let us help." I said. "He will. Give him time." Sensei said.


"What's up, Cam?" I said, as we went towards the screen. "It's Shane and some weird magnet head thing. I've tapped into the police surveillance system, when I saw the power readings were off the chart." Cam said.

"We better help him." Tori said. "Let's go." I said. All us were about to went out. "Wait." Sensei said, as he stop us. "I will let you go when it is time." Sensei said. The three of us look at each other, than back at the screen.


Shane got stuck to a car. "I can't handle this alone! Tori, Dustin, Max, I need your help!" Shane said. "Your friends aren't coming." Mad Magnet said, as he was about to attack Shane.

"Now?" Dustin asked. "Now." Sensei said. "Let's do it." Tori said. "And we gotta hurry." I said.

"Ninja Storm, Ranger Form! Ha!" The three of us shouted, as we spun our Morphers, and Morphed.

"Power of Water!" Tori shouted.

"Power of Earth!" Dustin shouted.

"Power of Ice!" I shouted.


We appeared, and kicked Mad Magnet.

"You okay?" Tori asked.

"Fine now." Shane said, and we ran towards each other.

"You guys came." Shane said.

"Of course we did." I said.

"I can't believe, I was such a jerk." Shane said.

"Well, I totally can." Dustin said.

"Dustin." Tori said, as she hits his arm lightly.

"What? NO, no, I'm just busting on you, bro. Okay?" Dustin said, as he laughs a bit.

"Look. We know you're great at this stuff, just don't forget you're not alone." Tori said.

"I know. And right now, you have no idea how glad I am about that." Shane said.

Mad Magnet threw something, and we got into an attack stance.

"Pardon me, but I haven't destroy you yet!" Mad Magnet said.

"Oh yeah? Think again!" Shane said.

"Dream on!" I said.

Shane jumps into the air and attacks Mad Magnet.

The four of us got outside, we grabbed our Power Swords and attack him.

Mad Magnet attacks us and we fell.

"I'm so over this guy!" Shane said.

"Why not just give up, already!" Mad Manet said, as he attack us again, and we fell.

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