chapter 3

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All the children entered the barracks, they put there things away. Alex discreetly put some weapons near him in case of an emergency.

Alex looked over at Tom who gave him an uneasy glance. Alex too wasn't feeling all that great at the moment, he was currently on pain medication after spending about a month in St Dominic's  after being tortured by Dr.Three, he was later saved by a certain Russian assassin.

When he learnt that Yassen was Alive he was so happy, even though he told yassen that he hated him and would kill him.
He felt really bad when yassen 'died' probably because yassen never lied or used him and saved him plenty of times in fact.

After being rescued Yassen explained that he was now an asset for MI6 and was sent for information.
He visited Alex in the hospital practically everyday, the only time he wasn't there was the night.

Alex was also visited by Ali Monzour and he was pretty sure Yassen and Ali talked about him.

Alex said he needed to use the restroom and left taking his map even though he didn't need it.
He went in and opened his sleep pills from a hidden pocket in his jacket.
He quickly swallowed it dry not bothering with water.

Alex swiftly put the containers back into the pocket.
The door opened and a man walked in he was roughly 6 foot, had brown hair and blue eyes. He looked Alex up and down, his face twitched and an unreadable expression passed his face, he looked happy, sad and in pain.

The guy paused for a little and finally decided to open his mouth.

"Shouldn't you be asleep"


Alex relaxed and walked past the man outside, he heard the noise of several footsteps and quickly slipped into the shadows.

One guy who was walking with the other SAS men noticed a small shadow jumping into a tree, he hadn't heard anything just caught the slight movement in the tree.
He was about 6 foot with dirty blond hair and blue eyes, he walked soundlessly unlike everybody else.

He walked into the bathroom and saw his brother just staring at a mirror his face screaming several emotions.

"Ian are you alright ?"

"I'm fine John"

Everybody else walked in after they all showered and got into clean clothes, they went to there own barracks.

Alex knew as he was exiting someone started to watch him.
He ran the rest of the way back and without disturbing anyone climbed into bed.

Next morning everyone woke up grumbling as they headed to the mess hall.
Alex walked over to Tom after getting his sludge.
He sat next to him and reluctantly started to push it down his throat struggling to swallow it.

They got time tables and learned which unit they would be with. He and Tom were with k-unit.
There class walked over when they were called over to a room where 3 people were standing on a stage.

"Today we are going to assess you capabilities."

One of them Said

One was Ali or now the Sargent, and there was that guy who looked at him funny last night, the other man Alex didn't recognise but knew he had definitely seen him somewhere.

They all headed out. First was the assault course.
They were given some basic instructions and then in less than two seconds the whistle blew.
They all started some people were more athletic than others, some people didn't even make it past the first obstacle.
Alex finished and ran back to the start line.
He reached and he WASN'T EVEN OUT OF BREATH !!!.

He heard on of the instructors gasp as he looked at the time.

"What is it?"

8min and 45secs.

Woah that was much faster than the last time Alex had done it.
Everyone was shocked.
They waited another twenty minutes for everyone to finish.

"Next were moving on to shooting"

Tom looked at Alex unsure, Tom was still out of breath and covered in sweat from the assault course.

Alex just shrugged.

They began to walk towards a sahed that held most of the guns.
They got a quick crash course on the guns and picked one to use.
Alex picked the one he was most comfortable with, a Grach Russian pistol.

He weighed it in his hand and quickly lifted up and held it like he was firing.
John one of the instructors working with the kids with the Sargent and his little brother Ian, walked past and saw Alex do this.
He was shocked but only showed it for a fraction of a second quickly covering it with his emotionless mask.

They made it outside and stood in front of the targets.
They were given about a 40 minute lecture about how to use a gun and not kill themselves or each other.

They all walked out and took positions behind tables.

"Bring your weapons up"

They all brought them up ready to fire and were quickly looked through to see if someone was holding it wrong or it wasn't lined up with the target.


Some people started to second guess themselves and put the gun down or just stare at the target.

Unlike them, Alex went straight into it.
He knew instinctive shooting which had saved his life more than once.
Alex was flying through the 18 round detachable box magazine, he was almost done but instead of firing the last bullet he turned around swiftly and pointed the gun at the head of the man standing behind him.

"Hello Aleksander" came a thick Russian accent.

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