50 followers Q&A!

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Hey folks,

So, I just noticed that I reached 50 followers today which has honestly blown me away. 

It's all thanks to those of you that have been enjoying Callisto (and those of you that have enjoyed Last Day too!) and so I wanted to celebrate this with something that could involve you all if you like.

I'll be holding a celebratory Q&A with a twist - you can send me any and all questions you want either through a message or by commenting here. Or...you might wish to ask something of Rain-Born and Jespar while they have time to answer you. They are asleep right now, after all. 

I can promise they'll answer, in character :P 

Ask anything and I'll post the responses in the next chapter of this milestone section. I'll be keeping this open until March 18th, so there's plenty of time for any of you to send some questions my way. I'm looking forward to hearing what you ask.

Finally from me, thanks again. This started as a small experiment and I'm slowly becoming so much more open and positive about my work. I wouldn't have that without your continued support and comments. Here's to more celebrations to come :) 

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