VII. Love At First Sight

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"R-really!?" I was surprised. Very surprised. "Yes. I didn't think you would like it, though." He looked away and locked his arms crossed on his chest.

"Is it weird?" Immediately after hearing that, I started shaking my head no. He looked down, and said, "Sakura mochi is my favorite food!" I mentioned, and went to get water.

I never would've thought that it would be my own boss. Why does he do it though.. "Iguro-san?" I called him.

With his mumble response as my cue, I went out with two glasses of water in my two grips and insisted him to sit down the couch. Right after sitting beside him, I put the tray on top of the desk and asked him. "Why do you send me those boxes?"

".." I averted my focus on him, and saw him lower his head. "Honestly.. it was normally just a form of gratitude to surprise for my best workers in my company." My lips circled up when he'd said that.

So it only had something to do with work. I knew it wasn't some kind of admirer. Because I will never get one.

"I planned to give them to you everyday for only 5 days." Five days? But i've gotten these boxes for the 8th time now. "But I changed my mine, after that time in my office."

His office? What was so special with what happened there.. that was only the first time we met.

It wasn't that memorable. I guess. I just need to remind myself of our relationship. We're just both from the KBRMR Corp. And he's my boss.

"I know you might be thinking, what's so special about that time? Well, that was the first time a girl has ever complimented me." A girl.. so not even his mother? His past might have been really tough.

"And well.. you might not believe in this thing but, I guess it's called.."

"Love at first sight."

Why did I join him on saying that? I felt my own lips move and speak without my will. I noticed he was shocked, too.

I guess there's no point now. I mean, I did fall inlove with him anyway. "It's the same for me, that was the first time a guy has ever complimented me." Mentioned that since I only noticed that now.

Once again, he did it. Again. He held the back of his head, then wore the mask off.

Then, I saw a smile on his face. Way more gentle than the first time I saw his smile. I feel, quite touched. Especially when he said "love at first sight" together with me, as if he knew what I was thinking.

"Then, how about let's go out? Since we're here now, why not, don't you think so?" Being deep in my thoughts, I wasn't able to quite catch what he said.

Even so, I still agreed.

And I found myself in a mansion garden. The whole mansion was as big as Shinobu's house, and the garden itself was bigger than my family's house from before.

An Everyday Sakura Mochi (Completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin