❀♡bayonetta x fem shy reader ♡❀

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y/n was on her way to the library on a cold night. it was windy and the wind was blowing hard. it was quite dark aswell, so it wasnt the best timing and she was going through a short cut with barely any lights, the only sorce of light was from the moon. there was a deas end so it didnt end up good. she was about to turn around and go when suddenly 2 men were trying to corner her. "where do you think your going, missy?" she took a few steps back while sweating bullets. the men pulled daggers ready to stab (shank/chef) y/n. she was on the verge of tears untill a tall shadow towered her. sounds of guns and bullets and yelling were everywhere. after ut all stopped, she got a better look of the tall figure. The figure looked like a really tall female (bayonetta is fucking 6'10 or 8ft tall wtf☠☠ tall hot babe). "what are you doing alone at this hour? you dont know when a silly stranger tries to sneak up on you." she turned around to face y/n.


i looked up at the shockingly tall british woman who had a short haircut and blue tight body suit.
i didnt know what to say, there was so much going on and i didnt want to mess up my words. "i...wanted to go....to the library....and went through a "short cut" you see...." she raised an eyebrow and crouched down to my height level. "well it isnt the perfect time tp get a shortcut to the library. how about i go with you in a safer way. how about that?" at this point i am sweating bricks and didnt know what to do. she just saved my life and i didnt say thank you. (the audacity man, the audacity) "ok...thank you...for saving...me..." "no problem. you can call me bayonett or cereza, any is fine." we started walking to the library together. (also i aint going to make the stuttering like "o-o-oh m-m-m-my" or some shit it gives me pick me bakugou x y/n shit)

we are here at the library. she is sitting next to me, crossing her legs while reasing a book. "so. i didnt get your name, missy." "oh.....its y/n." bayonetta nodded. "not much of a talkative one, arent you?" i just sat there. should i have spoken more? "im not much for the talkative types. i prefer the ones like you. your quite adorable to be honest." i could feel my face heat up, i just mer her and already i have a crush (who wouldnt for bayonetta 😩😍😍) "you dont mind if i walk you home, right? its pretty dark and you know what happened earlier." "yeah, thats fine...with me." we for out of the library and walked to my apartament. she mentioned that she has a friend named Jeanne and that she is an umbra witch. her voice is so relaxing i could hear her talk all day and not get annoyed.

"so here is where you live?hmmm." i opened my apartament door. "thatnk you... for earlier and for walking me here. i really... appreciate it, bayonetta." she put her hands on her hips with her chin up. "no problem, dear. here is my number." she winked ans went off. i felt like exploading like she just winked at me AND got her number??? lucky me.

(yoooo hey yall, make sure you eat and drink and sleep. yes im talking to you. EAT, DRINK AND SLEEP. luv uuu)

bayonetta x readerWhere stories live. Discover now