Professor Paradox

Start from the beginning

"This is much worse than I expected," Professor Paradox said, "Where is Lady Yzma Milano?"

"She's in Milano Manor with her husband and the rest of the staff," Margaret explained, "The staff that were tortured by the Arkeyan Weapon Masters received howler after howler after howler from the outraged and frightened public and even Yzma herself is starting to believe that there is no way she can win her challenge."

Professor Paradox heard enough and decided the time to act had some. He and Margaret entered the manor and found the staff members that had been tortured by the Arkeyan Weapon Masters being glared at by the rest of the staff as they looked ready to tear each other apart. Uncle and his family along with Druella and the new members of the staff stayed out o fit fearing that this could be used by their enemies to remove and eliminate Albus who was looking stressed even with his cousin Aurea present. The most concerning issue however was that Lady Yzma Milano looked completely tapped out and spent. It was like she was on the verge of giving up before her challenge even began.

"Margaret I see you brought a guest," Ezio spoke upon seeing Margaret and Professor Paradox, "At this point we need all the help we can get. The recent vision of the Arkeyans destroying the earth pretty much drained the last of the confidence and all hope of victory. As far as Yzma's concerned nothing that she does will make any difference considering everyone hates her and all her relatives and by extension all of her in laws."

"Don't give up now," Margaret spoke, "Confidence is the key to winning this challenge Yzma."

"Look Margaret even if you say that even if we have all the confidence in the world without a way to win and power to back that up all is lost," Yzma sighed dismally, "It's hopeless."

Professor Paradox saw that between the despair Yzma was feeling, the wrath half of the staff were suffering along with the threat of Kai's armies eliminating them should they dare cross the Malfoy family not to mention the Arkeyan Empire preparing to eliminating all of earth and enslave all of creating the negative energy was at an all time high and once the energy expanded all would be lost. At that point Professor Paradox decided to tell Yzma what she needed to hear and say what needed to be said to the staff.

"I can see that this situation has everyone terrified beyond rational thought and reason," Professor Paradox spoke, "But I'm here to help. I'm here to give Lady Yzma Milano the strength and confidence she needs to win this challenge."

"Good luck with that," Jade spoke, "The tension is so think you'd need a knife or in this case a light saber just to cut through the first layer."

"Then I'd better get to work," Professor Paradox said, "This planet doesn't have much time."

Professor Paradox began to show everyone present a vision of planet earth only it was devastated and in ruins with statues of the pureblood supremacy movement littering the landscape as the only pristine relics left. The Darkness had taken hold completely choking all light and hope.

"What was the point of showing us this?" Charity commented, "We already know the Arkeyan Weapon Masters destroy the Earth because Minnie broke protocol."

"I'm well aware of that but from what I've witnessed in my travels Yzma didn't give up and surrender," Professor Paradox responded. "She ended up beginning a new age in this world."

Professor Paradox then showed the staff a bright new world, this one was a world of balance and harmony, a world where the magical and non magical found balance as did the organic and the technological. The staff saw various non magicals, monster girls, magical creatures, Arkeyans, wizards and witches living in harmony and working together in creating and building the world. It was a world where pureblood supremacy finally died out and purebloods were extinct.

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