Chapter 30

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8:29 pm.



Mike was late. For over an hour and a half. This wasn't like him. He never was that late and if he was, he'd always let something know...

She had called Miss Wheeler. Apparantly Mike had left a while ago. 

A while.

Then why didn't he arrive yet?

Alone. Eleven was alone with only two cold pizza's to keep her company. She felt helpless and worried. What if something bad had happened to him? What if the angry clouds had done something to him? What if he got lost? She couldn't go out there in the dark. There was no chance she would find Mike without getting lost herself. Even Hopper couldn't help since he had been summonned to Hawkins for some robbery.

Yet, she couldn't just sit there.

She needed to find him. 

Only a blindflond and a tv was all she needed.

The young girl sat down in front of her tv and hoped for Mike to be okay. She wrapped the blindfold around her head, covering her eyes, then binding it tightly. Slowly breathing in and out, she mentally prepared herself for the worst-case-scenarios.


She positioned herself cross-legged and lightly rested her hands on her knees. Eleven was always hesistant when she were to do this. It came along with bad memories and traumas. Places she never wanted to visit again. However for Mike she'd do anything. And if she wouldn't find him in the normal world, she would collect all her courage and let her mind wander to the upside down. The tv sprang on, an unavailable channel was seen. Eleven didn't move an ounce. She was close, she could feel her thoughts dissappear, untill her head was nothing more but a void.

Dark place, wet floor. 

She was there. She slowly walked forward and called for Mike, her boyfriend... She did her best to think about nothing else but Mike, since he was the one she needed to find.

Step by step she drew closer to remnants of a shadow. A shadow that became clearer and clearer the narrower the distance between them became. Then, the shadow parted in two.

Uncertain shivers leaped over El's spine as she suddenly heard giggling. What was this? This couldn't be Mike, right?

"I'm glad you are here with me now", a voice reverberated in her mind. The voice in which El recognized as Mikes. So it was him, but... what was he doing.

"Well, me too", another voice said. They sounded like they were smiling. She quickened her pace, it was a boy's voice, but she wasn't sure who it belonged to. 

Untill, she got close enough.

"It will be okay, I promise", Mike said, grabbing the other person's hand in his. "I hope so", the smaller boy said. 

She reached the duo and smiled in relief. Mike was okay, nothing bad had happened. No need to be all that worried. He just.. somehow, ran into Will...

"Thanks for bringing me home, Mike... I'll see you tomorrow", Will said while turning around, heading towards what would supossely be his front door. What happened next made El frown her eyebrows in confusion. She stood there, watching the scene as Mike grabbed Will's shoulder. A gasp left Will's mouth.

"Aren't you forgetting something, Byers?", Mike asked him with a smirk. The other turned around to face Mike again and blushed. 

El was left dumbfounded. What was happening? Why was he with Will? Did he forget their date? Why is Will-...

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