XXIX. Detrimental Disturbances

Start from the beginning

"True,'' she nods, agreeing to my agreement with a happy smile. "Do you ever want kids, Harry?" I stiffen acutely, taken aback by her question. It is a normal question, but I've never thought about my answer before.

"One day I'd like to be a father,'' I admit, watching her nod down to her lap sheepishly. "But that isn't for a long time. What about you?"

"Yeah, I'd like to think that I would be a pretty decent mother. Other than the fact that I make most children cry,'' she trails off, humor-filled eyes darting up to meet my ghastly reaction. "It might surprise you, but I tend to be a kid at heart - myself."

"Never noticed,'' I scoff, rolling my eyes skyward. "You'd be a great mother, Noelle." Sadly, she smiles and nods in a less convinced manner.

"Plus, I want to travel the world before settling down."

"Where would you go first?" I ask, listening closely.

"Spain.. Australia.. Brazil.. Columbia.. France.. Italy.. Mexico.. Norway.. Hell, I'd even go to Zimbabwe or Canada. I just want to see the world and be free. It is hard to explain, really,'' she nervously laughs.

"I understand." And I really do.

"Enough about that,'' I seemed to hit her soft spot. "What will Des think about this? Or Royce? Klara even? I don't think they should know about us until we at least finish and solve my case."

I bite my lip in thought. The idea of anyone knowing about Noelle and I is quite nerving, but at this point I don't find it in me to care what they think. I've finally found someone who can relate to my circumstances remotely and I am more happy than they ever willed me to be previously. Their snide remarks on my relationship status have taunted me for years- not that I care- but finally having El for myself and not being able to show it  - will be difficult.

"Is that what you really want?" I figuratively speak, disappointed but glad that one of us is thinking ahead. She usually is the smarter one of us two, and sometimes my rationality gets weighed down by my own illogical reasoning.

Noelle's the brains and I'm the bulk.

"Yeah, it's what's best in the long run,'' Noelle chides solemnly, lightly dis-hearted by this truth as well. The silence between us lingers only for a few moments before she is on her feet and holding out her hand. "Let's dance again. I want to cash in as much as possible on this opportunity before it disappears."

"The opportunity to see me stumble and fall on my arse?" I clarify.

"Truthfully speaking, a straightforward, hardcore, nonetheless enthusiastic, all-around: yes." Shaking her head, I laugh. "Now up, Candle Man! Show me what those legs can do!"

Noelle's POV

"I still don't like the idea of this,'' Harry forboads once again for the millionth time this evening. With a tight expression on his anguished face, I roll my eyes and pull his hand in mine further up the large sidewalk. 

A sweet smell lingers in the air as the breeze blows around my face. The coat draped around my body is one of Harry's, as I hadn't thought of packing warmer clothes. Let's just say that the weather in Albany is even more bipolar than predicted.

"And I don't like the idea of not taking this opportunity,'' I respond a small bit of time later.

Ever since last night, a different atmosphere has lingered in the air between us. I don't feel stiff or uncomfortable or unsafe; but my heart swells a little more every time Harry smirks. Even him sneezing makes me smile. Watching him laugh is the most rewarding, though. Those endearing dimples and small laugh lines.

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