I nodded and grabbed my keys. I wasn't just going to make them pay...I'm going to make sure they don't see daylight anymore. I drove back to the abandoned house were Rio and his friend were still at. They invited a few more people. A 1 vs. 6 person fight...I like the sound of that.

"What's with you and loving that slut so fucking much huh?!" Rio yelled and took out a knife. "She was my whore way before you got in the picture bud so go back to where you came from and let me do what I want with her". I tilted my head and held onto my bat.

The last thing I remember is one of Rio's friends running towards me. The rest of what happened was fuzzy. I finally got back to reality and the boys were groaning in pain. I laughed and grabbed on of their arms.

  "This going to be fun. I won't kill all of you but the two hurt and touched my girlfriend say your goodbyes now". I snapped his arm abs smirked when the poor sap cried out in pain. "You see what happens when you help a douchebag huh"!

   I let go of him and go onto the next. This guy pleaded for me to let him if he told me why they came here. "Speak and make it fast". The guy tried to explain it as best as he could. "Rio said if we come help he'll pay us. He never told us he touched your gf".

   I looked at Rio and he was coughing up blood on the floor. "Oh you poor idiots! You think he just invited you guys here without a reason?! This guy right here and his dumb friend Ryan kidnapped and assaulted my girlfriend". 

   The boys looked up at me in shock. "Now because you dumb fucks decided to try and beat me up now you'll crawl out of here with broken limbs. 4 of you will live while the last two will be seeing the devil once I'm done".

    Ryan tried to crawl out the door but I grabbed his leg. "Ryan Ryan Ryan...what happened to you hm"?! I bent his leg snd stepped on it hard fracturing it. It was satisfying to hear Ryan yell out in pain just like he made Althea. I set up a camera for her once I beat them all up so she can watch.

    I broke multiple legs, ribs and jaws. I threw the 4 idiots outside and then I finally got down to Ryan and Rio. "The fantastic duo... so who wants to go first hm...how about you Ryan". Ryan shook his head in fear and tried to crawl away quickly. "You had time to avoid it all Ryan but instead you helped him"!

    Ryan started to cry and plead for me to not kill him. I felt bad for him so I let Thea decide his fate. "Ryan I always liked you...so funny and nice but after today those feelings are gone! Break his arm then throw him out". I nodded and tied Ryan down to a chair and grabbed my bat. 

    I should've played baseball but Bosch kept complaining about how I kept breaking the balls. I swung the bat and hit Ryan in his arm. I could hear the bone crack which made me smile. I kept hitting his arm until it looked like a bruised noodle. I grabbed him by his hair and slapped him. "Wake up! Get out of here and you see Rio's car. I set it up to crash. You and your friends get in and make sure that car crashes. Then that will explain your injuries and I won't tell the police about anything you've ever done".

    Ryan nodded and thanked me for not killing him. I watched as he crawled out the front door. I heard the car zoom away and turned back to Rio. "Rio you could've been nicer to me and Althea but instead decided to be a dick". Rio groaned to stood up slowly.

    "No nerd can kill me especially you Alyx". I put gloves on and sat down in a chair. "You ever see the walking dead...that guy Negan is a real killer but her inspired me to make my own bat just like his". Rio backed away slowly but just ended up cornering himself.

    I swung my barb-wired baseball bat towards his knee which caused him to fall. "You should've left her alone Rio". I swung again and hit him in his abdomen. His blood kept getting on me but I wanted to make sure he died a painful death.

    I pushed Rio down and hit him in the head with my bat hard. His flesh slowly got stuck on my bat. I kept swinging until his head was a red mushy pile. I walked over to the camera and looked at althea. "You won't have to worry about him anymore baby".

   Althea smiled and held onto the teddy bear I got her for when she missed me. I cleaned up all the blood and burned the body along with the house. I finally got back home and althea was waiting for me in my bed. "Baby you're back". I nodded and walked over to the bathroom to wash the blood off.

After a nice hot shower I went back into my room. Althea was still awake and was watching a movie. I dried my hair and stared at the bruises on her body. It's my fault...I have to protect her at all costs.

   The next day I woke up and started working out. I heard noises coming from the downstairs gym but when I checked it was just Althea doing a workout. "Morning baby I didn't know you were down here".
Thea turned around and handed me gloves.

"I want you to teach me how to fight right now". Althea never seemed like one to fight but after what happened I understood why she wanted me to teach her. I guided her to the weak spots of the body to aim at if someone tries to grab her or worse.

    I moved her over to the punching dummy where she did really well with hitting those areas. "Baby don't go too hard on yourself". Althea didn't listen to me abs kept going faster. I held her back while she kicked and screamed before breaking down.

    I held her close while she cried in my arms. She wanted to learn to get rid of the anger she feels and the pain she went through. I called up my fighting ref and got her a spot to fight alongside me and Hermes in the 3v3 fights. I'd be good for her to let out that anger this way.

Althea was finally able to calm down and stood back up. She just stared at me for a few minutes before finally coming back to reality. I checked my phone and it was 6:30 am. "I'm going to go shower baby you joining me?" Althea asked. I nodded and followed her to the bathroom.

Once she got undressed she covered her body. I've never seen her this way; she looked so innocent in a way. I turned on the shower for her. "I'll wait until you finish baby". Thea nodded and got in the shower. I need to get her mind off of what happened but I don't know how.

A few minutes later althea come out of the bathroom. I went in to take my shower and got dressed for school. Althea was waiting for me in the car not saying a word. "Baby are you okay". Althea couldn't even look at me. I drove us to school and she acted so normal.

    Once school let out she went straight to the car and didn't speak to me yet again. "Baby did I do something wrong?" I ask. Althea shook her head and looked at the trees. "Baby talk to me please". Not a word came out of her mouth. I feel guilty about not protecting her like I promised. Maybe that's why she's not talking to me. I'd be best that I gave her some space and see where it goes from there.

A/N: hi readers! I want to give a shout-out to Yabbigails  for the wonderful chapter idea. If any of you have ideas for the book don't be shy to let me know!! I hope you're had a great week and a wonderful weekend!!

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