At the edge of the border

"Nice to know you guys got in without a problem" said Toru flying down to see them

"Yep the spells are going strong even with us coming here every now and then" Shirabu said "how's things going here? We haven't checked up on you guys in a while after all"

"Ye we haven't sorry things just came up and we weren't able to get out" Semi said with a hand rubbing the back of his neck.

"Nah its fine don't sweat it" Toru answered "We have been doing good now come"

Toru led them to the castle where the royals were staying.

"You two have the same room as before by the way" Toru said with a smile, "Lets go to the meeting room Akira, Iwaizumi and Kindaichi are waiting for us Sana can't join us this time"

"Alright let's go" said Semi dragging Shirabu

"You don't have to drag me you know" Shirabu said annoyed

"Ye but I wanna now come on Toru is already way ahead of us" Semi said, dragging Shirabu in an even faster pace. At this point Shirabu just went with it and let Semi drag him.

10 minutes of running later, at this point Shirabu gave up and now Semi is carrying him.

"Damn how unfit are you Shira? You didn't even survive a 10 min run" Toru asked laughing.

"Not all of us can fly you know??" said Shirabu annoyed

"You didn't even run bu please" said Semi with a giggle, Shirabu glared at him "Ok ok I'll stop"

"Mhm, technically you could have asked for temporary wings while you're here, but you know they'll vanish when you leave our borders," Toru shrugged, "but if you don't, then no."

"Ayo, we'll take the wings," Semi said, stopping him.

"Kk give me a sec," Toru said as he began the spell *Insert spell* When the spell was finished, "There you guys have wings," which was expected because Toru was the fairy of nature after all.

"DAMN! We for real can fly now" said Shirabu in shook

"You thought I was lying? Ouch, anyways I come on they are waiting for us" Toru said getting ready to fly again

All 3 flew to where the "meeting" was held.

"What took you guys so long?" asked Akira looking at the their new wings "I see Toru gave you guys wings nice job"

"You knew he could do that?!" Semi said in surprised

"Duh we are siblings" Akira answered

"Still that can't be normal-" said Semi "even during the time you guys weren't hidden"

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