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A roll of thunder rumbles, just as a dozen Ghost Riders gallop across the lacrosse field. At the same time, Scott and Liam are having a late-night lacrosse practice on the field. While they are unable to see the Riders, Scott does sense something is not right just as they clear the field, "Did you feel that?" He questions Liam, looking around the confused.

Liam stands in front of the goal, apparently not sensing what Scott had, "Feel what?"

"Thought I heard something," Scott tells him, before shaking his head and readying his lacrosse stick, "Forget it. All right, let's keep goin'."

"Or we could call it," Liam suggests.

Scott shakes his head, "We gotta work on your back shots."


"They suck."

Liam furrows his brow at him, "What are you talkin' about?"

"Your back shots," Scott repeats. "Which suck."

While Liam doesn't understand, he does get a lacrosse ball in his stick and begins to execute back shots over his shoulder. Despite what Scott originally thought Liam manages to shoot several shots perfectly into the goal.

When Liam has finished all his shoots, Scott is both impressed and confused, "I must've been thinkin' of someone else."

"Yeah." Liam agrees with him, tossing one more ball towards Scott, "Maybe someone else who should be Captain?"

"You'll make it," Scott tells him just as the lights surrounding the lacrosse field began to shut down one by one.

"Well, guess we have to go now," Liam tells him with no real sign of disappointment.

"No, we don't," Scott tells him, letting his eyes go red.

Liam responds in the same manner, letting his eyes go yellow, readying himself for whatever technique Scott has ready for him.

Inside the physics classroom, Mason, Corey, and a few other students are working on an experiment for extra credit, "Okay, now stir in the iron filings." Mason directs Corey as he is mixing a putty mixture.

"How is this supposed to work?" Corey questions him.

Mason answers the question without a second thought, "The ferromagnetic properties are gonna interact with..." He stops when the other students stare at him, "Don't worry, it works." He assures Corey, "Just make sure that all the iron oxide is completely absorbed."

When Corey is done mixing the putty mixture, Mason takes it from the bowl and it easily comes out as one big putty.

"How come you're here if you already know this?"

One of the students scoffs at the question, "Know it?" He questions, "He's practically teaching it."

"Well, this is, uh, my favorite physics lab." Mason answers.

"We're all here for the extra credit," Corey tells him, indicating at the other students. "I mean, don't you have, like, a four point something?"

"Four point nine," Mason answers quickly.

Corey looks shocked, "I didn't even know it went that high." He chuckles softly, "I'm stuck at 2.7."

"Hey, look, you work two jobs," Mason reasons with him, just before dropping his voice to a softer level, "And dying didn't exactly help your GPA." He reminds him, "So, I don't know, all you need is just a little help."

"You're doing this for me," Corey states plainly.

Mason starts to look concern, "Are you mad?"

"Furious," Corey tells him with a straight face. Mason, for a second, looks apologetic just before Corey leans into his space and begins kissing him.

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