Coming out

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Tw: homophobia

Basically if Nicks mum ended up not being supportive <\3 I know she would never,, but I wanted to write it anyways

Also I realized that they hadn't said "I love you" to each other yet when Nick came out,, so just imagine for my sake that Nick came out much later in the relationship.


Pairing: Nick and Charlie

Little: Nick (age range 1-2)

Cg: Charlie



With a deep sigh, Nick looked back up at his mother wanting to say it before he lost the confidence. "You know Charlie's, like... my best friend?"

The boys mother looked up with a smile. "If your going to ask if he can come to Menorca with us, the answer is no, I already ordered the tickets and—"

"No, that's not what I was gonna say.." the blonde interrupted. With one final deep breath the male met his mother's eyes. "He's my boyfriend. Charlie's my boyfriend."

The older woman froze,, face expressionless. Nick searched anxiously in his mother's eyes for any type of emotion to show her thoughts on this.

With a frown his mother met his eyes and shook her head. "No. I'm sorry honey but no. I don't accept this type of behaviour. I'm sure it's just a phase, okay?" She responded, and the boy stiffened, breath caught in his throat.


"I said no. I want you to go over to that boys house and break up with him." She replied, hand on hip with an expecting look. The boy had to force himself to not start shaking as he gave a curt nod and turned around walking away as quickly as possible.

Not even bothering to grab a hoodie (Charlie already stole most of them anyways) he opened the houses front door and started walking quickly, not being able to stomachs the thought of staying there for much longer.

Grabbing his phone from his back pocket, he unlocked it to his messages and opened "Charlie <3" with a choked sob he started typing out a quick message, trying hard to focus on the keys since his eyesight was blurry from tears.

I'm heading over to your place

Oh okay! See you soon! :)) read

With a broken laugh, Nick closed his phone and continued his walk to his boyfriends home. Oh poor Charlie doesn't have any idea what had happened.

When the rugby player had reached his destination, he let out a shaky sigh and knocked on the door. It wasn't long before a happy smiling face opened up.

"Hey Nick wh— honey?! What's wrong, why are you crying? Let's go to my room." That smile was immediately turned upside down upon seeing his lovers wet face. Quickly pulling the taller boy inside, he led the blonde up to his room for privacy, hand resting on his back.

Once the two were seated on the brunettes bed sitting close to each other, Charlie grabbed Nick's hand in his own and used his other to wipe away his teary cheeks. "Sweetheart? Do you wanna tell me what happened?" He asked stroking his boys cheek in comfort.

Nick sighed meeting the eyes of the boy he loved. God he loved him so much. Why did this have to happen. "I told my mum about us..." he mumbled, though loud enough for the other to hear. The brunettes hand froze upon hearing this information.

"I'm guessing she didn't react well?" He sighed going back to drying his sweethearts wet face, although it didn't stay dry for long as the tears kept coming.

The blonde let out a heartbreaking sob as he fell into the others arms. Charlie immediately wrapped his arms around the other, holding him close. "She.. she said I had to break up with you.." he cried trying to bury himself further into the smaller boy, wanting for max amount of comfort.

The brunettes breathing staggered as he sighed rubbing the others back. "I'm so sorry sweetheart... I'm so sorry. What.. what are you going to do? I promise I'm okay with whatever you decide." He asked, afraid the other boy might just do as his mother ordered, although he tried his best to hide his fear from the boy in his arms. He didn't need that.

Quickly the blonde sat up from his spot hiding his face in Charlie's neck, although his hands never lost their tight grip on the fabric of (his) hoodie. "I can't break up with you! I-I can't.. I l-love you so much! I-I don't k-know what to do..." he sobbed going back to his place in Charlie's arms. The younger boys arms tightened around Nicks frame, never wanting to let go. His poor boy...

"Okay.. do you wanna try talking to her again with me? Or maybe just keep staying secret? It's up to you honey.." Charlie whispered soothingly into Nicks ear.

Nick whined as he shook his head, he didn't wanna stay secret, but he didn't know if his mother would change her mind. He didn't want to make this worse. God why was this so difficult. "Okay.. do you wanna just cuddle for now and worry later? I think I know a certain little baby who's starting to slip..." he trailed off. Nick started sobbing fully now as he realized the other boy was right. He was falling into headspace. It was that bad.

"Oh baby... my poor baby. It's gonna be okay, we'll figure this out. I promise." He soothed rubbing the boys back. Nick choked on a sob as he fully slipped into his little space. He was extremely young this time, seeing the current situation. But it was okay, Char Char had him.

"Let it all out love, I know. I know. I love you so much." He kept whispering soothing words as he carefully reached across to his side desk to grab his boys paci from the drawer. He would need his comfort item, along with his comfort person.

"Here's your paci baby boy.. there we go.. you're doing so good.." the brunette said as he slipped the comfort item into his boys mouth. The blonde immediately latched on to the comfort, suckling it as it went back and forth.

His sobbing died down as his caregivers rocking movement and the bobbing motion of his paci soothed him. He felt so safe and warm. Char char would protect him.

Charlie sighed as he laid a kiss on the blondes fluffy hair. "There we go baby... you did so well. You're doing so well. So proud of you sweet boy." He praised once the boy was down to just small whimpers.

Nick sighed shakily, slight smile on his still wet face loving the praise. "Tank ou..."

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