Leilanis eyes are trained on Fez as he looks down at Faye, his face hardening as he looks back at Custer. Her heart races and her head is slightly spinning as she switches her gaze to Ash, who's eyes are already set on her.

"I thought you told me that Laurie killed Mouse, right?" Faye stands up, her face now relaxed and body stiff as she looks at her boyfriend. Leilani's nostrils flare as she looks at Custer, who stutters over his words.

Leilani moves her head slightly, looking at the block of kitchen knives right next to her hand. Flickering her eyes to Fez, he looks at Custer as she moves her hand swiftly, grabbing the small knife and hiding it in the sleeve of her sweater.

"I never said that. What are you talkin' about?" Custer laughs, shaking his head as he looks nervously at the blonde. Ash breathes heavily, his eyes trained on Leilani's sweater sleeve.

"Yeah you know Laurie, the drug dealer that lives in the apartment complex off Kemper. You were the one who told me she killed Mouse." Faye nods, looking quickly at Fez and then at Leilani. Anxiety courses through the brunettes body as she holds the knife in her hand, the blade slightly poking out.

"What are you talking about?" Custer questions again, his eyes never leaving his girlfriends blue ones; his leg bouncing anxiously.

"You know that Laurie and those fucking people scare me!" Faye whines, waving her arms out beside her as she looks at Leilani quickly before looking back at Custer.

Leilani didn't know about Ash killing Mouse or his side kick, but she didn't care. At that moment, all she cared about was protecting the people who gave her everything when she had nothing.

"Why are you trying to protect them?" Custer exclaims, waving his hand out in front of him as he quickly looks at the phone sat on the table.

"I'm not fuckin' protecting anyone!" Faye yells, her voice raised as she takes a step forward, now standing by Fez.

"All right now, think it's time for you to get out of here big fella." Fez nervously laughs, stepping toward Custer.

"Bro, we gotta figure out what to say." Custer sighs, his leg still bouncing anxiously. Leilani huffs, pulling the knife out of her pocket and lightly walking over to stand in front of Custer.

"No, wait Lei! Lei!" Fez yells, trying to step forward to the girl, watching in horror as she plunges the knife into Custer's neck, holding it for a few seconds before ripping it out.

Looking quickly at the phone, Custer let's out a wheeze. Slapping her hand over his mouth, he wheezes into her palm as blood pours out of his throat, his body shaking under her weight. Faye stares at her with wide eyes as her pink sweater gets covered in his blood, no longer a light pink.

Pointing at the phone with her pink nail, Ash stands up, tip-toeing over to the phone and picking it up. Using her free hand, Leilani grabs the phone and passes it to Fez who quickly grabs it, walking into the kitchen and dropping it into the cup of soda.

Custer struggles under the brunette girls grip as his breathing becomes slower, the blood steadily slowing down as it leaves his body. Breathing heavily, Leilani makes eye contact with the man as he takes his last breath, his eyes never closing.

"You know, a little bit ago I was talking to a friend about this play, and I asked him 'what if I upset people?'  And he said to me, 'sometimes people need to get their feelings hurt.' Um, so even though him and another important person couldn't be here tonight, this one is for you two." Lexi says as she stands on the wooden stage, the yellow tinted light shining down on her body as she shakes with anxiety.

Leilani breathes heavily, her nostrils flaring as she backs up from Custer's body, standing by the couch. Fez groans, shaking his head as he looks at the fifteen year old girl.

"Get out, the cops are gonna kick down the door any second." Fez groans, looking at Leilani as she slightly cries, a single tear falling down her cheek as her body shakes with fear.

"No." Leilani shakes her head, looking at Fez as she swallows harshly. Ash stands by Faye, looking at the girl as she cries.

"Listen to me, go out there and surrender. If your brother found out you did this shit, it would be a whole lot worse than going to jail I promise you." Fez explains, placing his hands on the girls shoulder as she shakes, shaking her head and looking at the man.

"I'm sorry." She cries, her nose tinted red and mascara running down her now pale face. Fez sighs, reaching down and grabbing the knife out of her hand.

"It's all on me bruh, I killed him. Not you. Now go wash your hands, we gonna be cool. Ash, help her out." Fez instructs, gently shoving the girl toward the bathroom as her whole body shakes, her eyes directed on the floor as Ash grabs her hand; walking her toward the bathroom.

Shaking her head, she pulls her hand out of Ash's grip and walks toward the laundry room, opening the dryer and grabbing the large gun out of it. Ash exclaims, shaking his head as he looks at her.

"Uh, Rues here! So are the cops!" Faye yells, watching as the girl climbs through Ash's bedroom window. Leilani feels her heart stop, whipping her head around as the front door busts open; dust falling all over their heads.

authors note
so who dies first...😜😜

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