#1 How You Two Met

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It happened when he was 16, and still in Abnegation. You were fifteen years old, and in Candor.
You were walking down the stairs, when you tripped. Luckily, you didn't fall, but your books flew out of your hand and landed at the bottom of the stairs.
You ran down the stairs to get your books, and as soon as you reached down to get them, you saw another pair of hands touching the books. You looked up, and that's when you saw his stormy blue eyes. For a few seconds you just stared at each other and it was just perfect. But then you remembered your books, and when you put your hands on them, they touched his hands. You notice that he tenses and quickly pulls his hands away, but he keeps looking into your eyes.
Suddenly the bell rings, and you say, "I have to go to class now, but it was nice meeting you. My name is Y/N by the way."
"It was nice meeting you to," he says. "My name is Tobias". And with that he went to class
From that moment on, you were always thinking of Tobias.
The blue eyed thief that stole your heart.
And he may or may not have been the reason you chose Dauntless next year.

You stood up for your first fight during Dauntless Innitiation. Your transfer from Amity to Dauntless, less than two weeks ago, had surprised everyone. But hard as it is to admit it, you were failing miserably. You were sure that you were going to be cut out after the first stage.
You were up against Ashton, who wasn't that good, but definitely better than you.
You took your position. He threw the first punch, which hit you in the eye. You then tried to kick him, but instead you fell, and in a second Ashton had you pinned to the floor.
"This fight ended quickly," said a voice filled with rage. And next thing you know, you are being pulled from under Ashton by your hair. You scream, as the person pulling your hair pulls you all the way to an empty hallway. You looked up to see Eric, one of the Dauntless leaders.
"How come this fight ended quickly? " he asked with absolute rage. You didn't say anything, you just cowered and tried to keep the tears from falling down.
"Why didn't you answer me?!" he demanded, reaching out to slap you. But as soon as he looked into your deep brown eyes, his expression softened.
"I'm sorry," he said regretfully. "Don't cry, it's okay. I'll help you, and I'll make sure you pass Innitiation. Just don't ever cry."
And from after that, Eric helped you with fighting and everything else, until you passed the Innitiation with flying colors.

You met Caleb during Erudite Innitiation. You were assigned to do a project with Caleb. You haven't spoken to Caleb and he was always alone, because Erudite born innitiates didn't talk to the Abnegation, and the transfers didn't talk to him because they wanted to fit in. You thought that he deserved to have friends, but you didn't talk to him because your Erudite parents would be disappointed.

After class, you and Caleb went to the library to work on the project. About halfway through the project, Caleb said something very surprising.
"I'm sorry that you had to be my partner. I know that no Erudite wants to talk to me, since I'm an Abnegation," he said.
"Caleb, I know that Erudites aren't supposed to show any affection, but I want to tell you something. You don't deserve to be treated that way, and I want to be your friend. I never told you that because my parents would be disappointed if I was friends with an Abnegation. But I realized that it doesn't matter where you're from. I'm going to be your friend, and I don't care what anyone thinks," you answered.
After that day, you and Caleb became friends. And a year later you two had become inseparable.

It was just a normal Saturday, and you and your friends were hanging out where an fourteen year old Erudites would. In the library.
You sat on one of the tables, pretending to read a book, while you were actually staring at Will, a sixteen year old Erudite and your crush. The book in your hand was the newest water filtration book, and you were one of the very few people that had it.
You saw Will getting out of his seat and making his way over to you. You pretended not to notice him, and focuses on the book
"Is this the newest water filtration book?" he asked you excitedly.
"Umm..yeah,"you replied.
"Wow, your so lucky to have it," he said.
"Well, I could let borrow it. I'm almost done with it. I can give it to you tomorrow, " you offered.
"Okay, and you can find me here, in the library," he agreed. "And by the way, my name is Will, what's yours?"
"Oh, my name is Y/N. And, I'll see you around," you said to the older boy.
"See you around, "he said. And with that, he went back to his table.
Although you knew that it was impossible, you always hoped that you two could be together one day.


You had always had a thing for the Dauntless daredevil. You were a normal Amity girl, so crushes were the usual. You had offered to help other students study after school, and the person you were paired up with was Uriah.

You had to teach him simple maths. Yeah it was easy, but the Dauntless tend to slack off. Like, a lot. You went to the room your were supposed to meet Uriah in,  and found him waiting for you there.

"Sorry for the wait," you said.
"It's okay," he replied.

You sat down on the table next to him, and pulled the Math book out of your bag. "Let's get to it," you said. And with that you started the 'lesson'.

"So 8 squared is equal to....?" you asked him.
"Ummm,16? Wait, no! It's 64. Right?" he asked
"Yes, it is 64," you answered. And then he looked at you proudly.
"And that's all there is for today, right?" he asked.
"Umm, yup," you answered. "And, it was nice meeting you."

You noticed that he was nervously getting closer and closer to you, until he crashed his lips into yours. When you were done he said, "Listen, I have always liked you, and I understand it if you don't like me back. But I just wanted to tell you how I feel. And I'm actually good at math, but I pretended not to be just to come here and have you help me."

"I love you too," you said. "I always have, and always will."

And that was the beginning of your relationship.

Author's Note:

Hello, I hope you liked my first chapter, and sorry if it's too long. And I just watched Remember Me, and it was just....WOW.  And the Will prefrence totally describes my situation, so I'll probably tell you about it someday.

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