Chapter 1

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Monday- Nialls POV

Why does Monday always come so soon, back to that bloody hell hole called school. Most people just ignore me, which is fine by me. However the football team, god, I've been taunted by them for years, just because I may not be popular like them still it fucking annoys me.

I ran down the stairs after quickly throwing on a pair of black jeans, a grey hoodie and my blue Nikes.
"Mum!" I yelled, "I'm going to school."

No answer

She was probably drunk again from last night, she hasn't been sober since the day my dad left. Anyway I grabbed my keys out of the tin and jumped into my blue mini.


I stopped off at the garage on my way to school to pick up some cigarettes, my mum always tells me not to smoke so I have to buy them in secret. I looked and my watch, shit! I was going to be late, ugh I can't have another detention, I have football. Ill just make up a lame excuse.

I pulled up in the grey car park by our school, Rochester high, and ran into the white reception. I made it to tutor room just before the bell rang, thank god. Being late on the first day of term is the last thing anyone wants, especially as its football tryout's today. I looked around my form to see who was in it, none of my football friends were here, just my luck! There were a couple of people I know, some of the boys were in my set last year (a/n they are in upper 6th form) but I didn't know the boy sitting in the corner, I think his name was Niall but I can't remeber. I wonder if he likes football?

A/n Hi guys this is my first book so please be nice!! if you like then please tell me should I carry one I'm open to ideas!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2015 ⏰

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