Chapter 32 - Monty

Start from the beginning

I stare at him, my thoughts in disarray. I'd shared my guilt and shame, my failures and shortcomings, and yet he still wanted me. He still trusts me, and I trust him. But I don't trust myself.

And yet, as I gaze into the tear-bright darkness of his beautiful eyes, I understand. If this is a mistake, I'm gonna make it anyway.

Nodding, I push the covers aside and rise. Then I lift my own shirt overhead and toss it aside, and shed my boxer shorts, and let him see me.

It's different, like this. When we're naked because we've Shifted, it's no big deal. We're just animals shedding one form for another, and our nakedness is natural. Like this, though, we're human, with human intent in our gaze.

Kit's eyes travel my form, and for once in my life I don't feel self-conscious of my size. He looks at me with open admiration, and rather than bulky, awkward, and overgrown, I feel powerful and strong. He slips free of his underwear, too, and beckons me back to his side.

I join him obediently, lying down with the pillows at my back, and the moves to sit over me, and kisses me again.

His hands slide along my arms and chest, and I explore him, too, feeling the muscles he's already built up with good nutrition, firm and pliant beneath his skin. He sighs and tilts his head back, exposing his throat, and I kiss the tender skin beneath his jaw. He shivers, and when he looks at me again, I see a new kind of fire in his eyes.

His tongue shows red between his lips, and then he reaches down between us and touches my swiftly hardening shaft.

My breath catches, and he smiles, and lowers himself between my legs.

"Kit, wait a—"

I mean to tell him he doesn't have to do that, and maybe to have a talk about what he's comfortable with, but then I feel his lips and tongue on me, and my sentence ends with a sharp inhalation of surprise.

No one had ever done something like that for me before, and the wet heat of his mouth is more intense than I'd imagined. It feels good, and more than good, and I fight to control myself as the pleasure builds. Just when I'm about to warn him that he's gonna end me, he stops and sits up again, looking pleased with the state he's put me in.

Meanwhile, a hint of embarrassment intrudes at the sight of myself: engorged, dripping; thick veins standing stark against dark skin, literally throbbing with the beat of my heart.

I feel lewd and uncouth, but Kit reads my thoughts again and smiles down at me.

"You're beautiful," he says.

I laugh self-consciously. "Hey, that's my line."

"We can share it, then," he says, and positions himself over me.

I realize what he's doing, and my rising passion spikes towards alarm.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa — Kit you can't just...! You gotta be ready, and we need some lube, or something. Lots and lots of—"

"Shh," he admonishes, as he guides me towards his entrance. "I'll be okay."

He presses himself onto me, and I gasp as I feel myself breach him easily. He's wet, somehow, and his body seems to mold itself around me as he takes me deeper than should be possible. All I can think is that it must be a fox thing. We Wolves have our own unusual characteristics, after all, as Kit will soon find out.

"See?" he pants, with me fully seated inside him. "I'm made for you, Monty. I'm all yours."

He lifts himself and slides back down with a soft moan, and he's so hot and tight, I know I won't last long.

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