OhmNanon || OneShort AU

Start from the beginning

One would think it was an easy job but it wasn't, it needed you to know and memorise the alphabets chronically, where they belonged. Not only that, but he had to situate the books according to their genre. What made his work difficult was those who left books anywhere on the shelves. A book that belonged in shelve 1 would be found all the way back to shelve 60, and so he went up and down from one place to the other rearranging them. He was used to this. 


When it marked 12 noon, like every day, Nanon said his goodbyes to Mrs Pakt and Mr Sus making his way to his next and last part time job of the day, the coffee shop. The two places weren't far from each other; it was a 15 minute walk. 

The coffee shop was more like a breath of fresh air from the uptight atmosphere of the library. From the smell of books and 80's antique to the smell of freshly made coffee and freshly squeezed orange juice. As he shifted in between his jobs, the gears in his mind, his atmosphere and perception also shifted, redirecting his mind to move from his attitude towards the work environment in his library to adjust to the fast serviced environment of a coffee shop. 

Before he entered the place, he took a long look at the place, he always did this and it had become a habit. This was his home away from home. Even from the outside he could see the customers piling in. The place was busy as usual considering it was noon. Greeting his co-workers he navigated to the back and came out a few minutes later wearing his apron. Usually he was in charge of the front that meant he kept an eye on the waiters and waitresses took orders at the counter and complaints of the customers whilst he worked on the tills. His jobs were both draining and difficult but then again, he was used to the difficult life. 

Nick and Puken were waiting today. He greeted them as they did back, in the process handing him orders. He placed them on the rail clippers and went back to the till. Sometimes he did help in the kitchen if they required extra hands.  He knew how to cook and bake. 

Puken came to stand beside him, "Don't be obvious, but you see that girl in the corner of the shop?" she whispered whilst busying herself, "she has been looking at you ever since you came in" Nanon took a few minutes before he could glance to the direction Puken was talking about. There he caught a glimpse of a pretty young girl, hair fluffy and skin tan.

"I don't know her" Nanon whispered back

"I know, but I think she fancies you" Nanon was taken aback after she said that. He wanted to laugh at her joke so he could see he was serious, "She looks like a nice girl, don't waste the opportunity" she advised before she left. Nanon's eyesight went back to the girl and at that moment caught her eyes. She had been flustered after being caught red-handed looking at him. She immediately stood up and walked out of the shop; Nanon couldn't help but let out a small smile. Even then Nanon's eyesight trailed behind her until she was not visible to the eye. He shook his head, and continued with his work. Yeah right as if someone would be interested in him.


Nanon worked at the library from 08:30 to 12:00 hrs then began his part time job at the coffee shop from 13:00 hrs until 16:30 hrs pm in the afternoon. He said his goodbyes and walked on to the familiar path that led him back home to his condo; he could feel his whole body exhausted, and on the edge of giving up and collapsing right then and there. His feet were killing him but this was something he was yet again familiar with, nothing cold water won't fix. 

He passed the same building he had in the morning, entering his apartment building and heading straight to his condo. The good thing now was that there was hot water available. Whilst a cold shower woke him up in the morning, a hot shower refreshed him. At exactly 19:00 hrs he was going to have to catch the night bus downtown for his LLB lecturers which lasted for 2 hours every day except for Fridays. There weren't many students that attended the night class, looking around the lecturer room; there were approximately 50 if not 60 present people. 

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