A Tiring Nevada Night

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Deimos POV:
"Sigh, another cold Nevada night alone again. There's nothing to do just sitting here alone and there's nothing to watch!"

I got up and went to the kitchen to get a snack, I got a bowl and a bag of chips and poured the bag of chips into the bowl. I walked upstairs to my room and sat on my bed with the bowl resting on my lap.

"I would want to go to sleep right now because there's nothing to do but I feel like.. I feel like I desire something.. I just can't figure out what it is."

He said as he ate his chips slowly. He was slowly falling asleep after what he said though, probably tired from the mission from earlier and the boredom.

Soon later he was asleep, not even in a regular sleeping pose. He didn't even finish most of his chips.

Sanford POV:
I didn't see Deimos after the mission, I thought that he was in his room so he was going to check on him. I glanced at the clock next to me which I read '2:31 a.m'.

I got up from my bed anyway because I was slightly worried for him. I quietly made my way to Deimos' room and opened the door as softly as I could.

There he was. A sleeping beauty, I carefully picked Deimos up and put him under the blankets and put the bowl of unfinished chips on the shelf.

I chuckled to himself and whispered quietly "Deimos you chucklehead.." but in a lovingly way of course. :lennyface:

Deimos POV:
I woke up and found myself under the blankets, I didn't remember being under the blankets last night even though I could barley remember what happened. He looked around for his clock and it said '7:54 a.m', I slowly got up but managed to get up surprisingly fast for getting 5 hours of sleep.

I went downstairs and found Sanford cooking breakfast, Sanford waved and gave a soft smile to me which made me feel warm inside. I waved back and shot a smile back, I sat down at the table as Sanford finished cooking pancake and eggs. Sanford set the table and called Hank and Doc down for breakfast.

Hank POV:
I heard Sanford call for breakfast, so I went down so he wouldn't think I was sleeping in again. Somehow Doc beat me to the table first? Despite being an old man but somehow able to beat a serial killer that can sprint across to purgatory and back.

"Morning, Hank." Sanford said. I waved to him as I wasn't really a talker.

Doc POV:
I saw Hank finally reach to the table as I seated myself into the chair. Sanford greeted him with a smile and gave him a plate of pancake and eggs.

I've always liked Sanford's food so that's why I come down quicker than usual. After we were done or almost done breakfast I had to go to work to finish what I was working on last night. But I can't really say finish because I'm nowhere near done.

Deimos POV:
I scarfed down the remaining bit of my food, Sanford's food was always amazing and I would never reject it.

I went over to the couch to see Sanford swiping through most of the channels. I decided to hang out with him a little so I sat down next to him on the couch. "Whatcha wanna watch, Dei?" He said softly.
"We can watch what you want to watch."

I thought about it for a moment and decided then spoke up and said "wanna watch those funny cat videos?" Of course, Sanford knew I was a fan of those kinds of videos so he Sanford gladly agreed. Sanford was looking for one of those pet channels and found one about cats.

Sanford POV:
As I found a channel about cats I suddenly felt something around my shoulder. It was Deimos' hand around me and his head leaning against my shoulder.

I was a little bit confused at first but I played it cool. Usually Deimos was never THIS warm... but I had to agree, it felt.. it felt nice. After 30 minutes or so Doc came down and said we had to go on another mission. Deimos pulled his head off my shoulder and unwrapped his arm from my other shoulder. Once again I saw Hank coming down with equipment ready for the mission.

Time skip cuz I'm lazyyy awnsnsjje

3rd person POV:
They were done the mission and came back with blood dripping down all over them, it wasn't theirs though. It was all the stupid fuckin agents they had to kill, always getting their filthy blood on their clothes.

After they got cleaned up it was already 6 p.m, did the mission take that long? Usually missions take 1 hour or less. Depends on how strong the agents are and how quick their killing skills was.

Sanford was in his room just layin' there, y'know? Deimos was downstairs playing video games and as usual he'd rage when losing his kill streak. (Couldn't be me lololol) and Sanford would always hear Deimos no matter how much he tried not to, but it was funny to hear him.

Hank was with Doc and Doc was doing work like most of the time. Well I shouldn't say most, ALL THE TIME. But I can't blame him. He's a busy person so I guess that's what busy people do. Hank was fiddling around with the blanket on the bed and kept throwing it around like a cat.

Doc was getting a little tired then asked Hank "hey Hank, could you go make me a coffee please?.. Just don't drink it this time." Hank nodded and went to go make a coffee, but what Doc had just said slipped from his mind. When the coffee was done Hank decided to take a little taste even tho Doc said not to but he completely forgot. He took a small sip and he was as hyper as a squirrel finding a tree made out of acorns.

Then Doc heard a heavy sound that made the ground thump. First thing he knew...

"Goddamit, Hank.."

Anyway that's its for this part haha I don't rlly like this though so idk if I wanna finish this but a 85% of my brain says I should so I'm probably gonna do a next part later or tomorrow- also some POVS may have more than most of them and that's cuz I can't rlly find any ideas for whoever POV it is lol

Word count: 1110

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