part 1

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I cursed out loud and angry,that I let jasmen dumb ass drag me to this party and ditch me.The one freaking night I decide to let her drag me out of my small ass apartment she ditches me for her 4'5 foot skumbag boyfriend.As soon as she saw him she took off like a track runner.I knew I should of stayed my black ass home and watched dancing dolls.
'Come out with me'she said
'W'ell have fun' she said
'I won't leave you by yourself'she said
'Stop being so innocent you'll have the time of your life she said.
Now I'm here up in this hot stuffy freak filled myself.
"Excuse me"
"Pardon me"
"Damn bitch move!"
I hollared trying to make my way to the bar so the bartender could call me a cab. I was almost to the bar when I felt a tap a shoulder.I turned around swiftly ready to curse somebody out.
"Oh my bad I was looking for my sister."I heard a deep raspy voice say.I turned around instantly silenced,surprised by his height and tattoos. This nigga looked like a giant! And then he had the nerve to look like he just stepped out of a magazine .He was truly a gift from god.Before I got to excited about this fine ass man infront of me I had to do my normal check that means shoes all the way to teeth and let me tell you I was not disappointed at all. I know you want details so let me give you some,he looked about 6'5 ,brown skin,tattoos on his arms and neck,dreads that stopped at his shoulder ,pretty white strait teeth,multi colored Jordan's,camouflage pants and a white T.shirt.
"You okay Lil bit you look a little dazed."he said smiling while looking down at me.
He is so sexy swe-wait wait what!this giant just called me Lil bit the only person that call me Lil bit is...."
"Shit ,Lil bit don't be sayin my government name out loud."he said putting his big hands over my mouth.I can't believe that he is actually here I haven't seen him in like six years when he went to jail I was heart broken,I hate when people say they remember it like it was yesterday because ion care who you are you can't remember stuff that happen five or six years ago but I do remember bits and pieces of it.
"Ayoooo jasmen !"I yelled put walking into her house without knocking.
"Girl why in the world is there so many police cars outside your house it look like they came to get Osama bin laden or some shit."I said running up the stairs that lead to her room and opened her bright pink door.I walked in expecting to see jasmen on the phone talking shit but instead I saw Mr .Clark, her dad on the floor bleeding profusely I dont even know where the blood was coming from and jasmen in the corner naked with a sheet covering up her lady parts, crying and kendarious on the floor with habdcuffs on and police surronding him .I couldn't even tell Mr.Clark was alive or dead and to be truthful I really didn't care .Mr.Clark was an evil rude bastard,I remember when Mrs.Clark was alive he was the nicest man ever he couldn't even hurt a roach,but after she died he turned into a bitter drunk.At first when kendarious used to come to our house all battered up asking to stay at our house I thought it was because some boys tried to jump him,Until I saw his dad beat him with my own two eyes,but what I didnt know was that he raped jasmen multiple times even though she didn't tell me herself I found out by putting two and two together.
Jasmen sobbing louldly brought me out of my thoughts.
"What the hell happened jasmen."I asked running over to where she was, to comfort her.
"Kendarious and daddy started fighting daddy fell and hit his head on my dresser now he's not breathing." She splutters out still crying.After that kendarious went to jail,but not for a long time because they said it was self defense.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2015 ⏰

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