Here We Meet Again

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(Zhan's outfit)

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(Zhan's outfit)

Zhan couldn't shake off the perplexing encounter with Yibo. As he retreated from Miss Lu's room, a whirlwind of conflicting emotions churned within him. On one hand, he felt a surge of indignation at Yibo's dismissive attitude towards him, while on the other, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of concern at the sight of the bandage wrapped around Yibo's head.Lost in his thoughts, Zhan wandered aimlessly through the corridors of Beijing Studios, the echoes of his conversation with Yibo replaying in his mind. Despite his frustration, he couldn't ignore the nagging sense of curiosity that gnawed at him, urging him to uncover the truth behind Yibo's enigmatic behavior.

"But why would he suggest such a thing?" Zhan muttered to himself, his brows furrowed in confusion. "And what's with that bandage? Is he hiding something?"

Before he could dwell further on his thoughts, his jie jie's voice rang in his ears, breaking through his reverie. "A-Zhan, is there any problem?"

Zhan sighed, turning to face his jie jie. "No jie jie, I was just bored so I came here to chat with you."

"So, Zhan Zhan, what do you want to talk about?" Miss Lu inquired, her gaze flickering between Zhan and the doorway where Yibo stood silently.

Zhan hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to broach the subject. "Jie jie, I want to ask you—is it right to be friends with someone for one day and then forget about them the next?"

Miss Lu's brows furrowed in concern as she regarded Zhan. "No, Zhan, that's not right at all. What happened?"

Zhan glanced at Yibo, who remained impassive, seemingly lost in his own thoughts. "It's nothing, but someone did this to me. What should I do about that person?"

Before Miss Lu could respond, Yibo finally spoke up, his voice tinged with regret. "I think Zhan should punish that person."

Zhan's eyes widened in surprise at Yibo's unexpected suggestion. "What type of punishment are you suggesting, Mr. Wang?"

Yibo's gaze met Zhan's, and for the first time, Zhan detected a hint of remorse in his eyes. "I think Zhan should slap that person or punch him, like that kind of punishment."Zhan's mind reeled at Yibo's words, his confusion deepening. Without another word, he rose from his chair and hurriedly left Miss Lu's room, his thoughts in turmoil.

"He behaved with me like that, and now he insists I should punch or slap him?" Zhan muttered to himself, his frustration mounting. "I am just confused by his behavior. What does he want to prove?" But even as he questioned Yibo's motives, a flicker of concern for the photographer stirred within him. "But I noticed the bandage around his head... Has he gone through some kind of accident? But why should I care? He just literally ignored me! Huh!"

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