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a group that is easy for someone to dislike is common to find

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a group that is easy for someone to dislike is common to find. for example, certain people don't like specific groups of people - - we find circumstances like these everywhere because humans will always have some sort of feeling of hatred no matter how small or big it is. there are so many causes that hatred is triggered in someone that it might as well be countless possibilities.

but hate...it's a strong word, isn't it? sometimes, people can hide behind the word 'hate' as an excuse to shield their real feelings they wish to drown out. or maybe, they unintentionally hide their real feelings.

the cold morning i spent on the green grass as i leaned onto the tree around the corner of one of the buildings in our campus. the textbook on problems in our society was being held in my hands as another gust of wind brushed through my black hair. it was a blank day as the murmurs of the crowd were far from where i was sitting. whenever i was in this situation, the atmosphere was always so ideal and quiet - - just like how i liked it to be.

my eyes took a break from the small lettered words printed onto the thin pages of paper and looked around me. the little figures of people crowding around the entrance as they entered and exited the building either finishing or starting their lectures. their faces that seemed so familiar but i had never bothered remembering them - - they seemed like blurred expressions you couldn't remember.

right then i was distracted by someone passing by.

the wind blew a bit more harshly as the person walked by, a hand behind their ear as they brush their shoulder-length two-toned black and blonde hair back with their slim fingers. their hair was long enough to be tied to the back. the person's eyes, from focusing what's in front of them, directed to mine. the figure was thin, and a skirt was flowing in the air as they wore long leggings underneath. somehow the stranger that looked at me for a split second made me freeze for a few moments as the person walked right past.

the pages in my hand flipped back and forth as the breeze finally stopped being so harsh and i was brought back to reality. it was a rare occurrence that was someone actually walking through the back of the building - - the reason i always sat there during my free time before a lecture. which was why i was pretty surprised to see him go through the alley that no one passes through. i watched the person as they broke the eye contact and walked faster by.

maybe it was a bit weird and impolite to stare...well, who cares.

"you still come here, huh?" i heard a bitter voice from the black-haired decorated with red strokes who appeared beside me from behind. i didn't give a response - - maybe because i was a bit lost at the moment.

"whatever, i guess. the guys are waiting at the gate." zhong chenle left me as i watched him walk towards the others.

i sighed. just another day with the same old people, and the same old routine.

i stood up, not forgetting to bring my textbooks with me as i followed the direction where chenle had walked off to; the main entrance door of the university building that had quite a crowd with the rush of other students wanting to get in.

i looked behind me. i wasn't sure why, but i felt like i was hoping to see if that person was still in sight. unfortunately not.

soon, i stepped in the building, attempting to find the room number i was to be present at before my lecture started. i found the room and the moment i was in it, i found chenle sitting with the others. and others meaning the 'three' who were none other than na jaemin, park jisung, lee jeno. weirdly, i was friends with them including chenle. those four were basically the most sneaky people i have ever met. they were the types who loved drama and gossip, and depending on the mood, would love to be part of it.

the youngest one of all of us spotted me, "yah, lee donghyuck!" rudely and somewhat jokingly, he called me by name and signalled me to join them where they were sitting.

"jisungie, if you keep calling him by his full name, he's gonna get mad you know~" jaemin teased the tall blonde-haired boy who rolled his eyes. jaemin's eyes then lit up, "ah, by the way, i heard mark-hyung is having people over to hang out in his place tonight. wanna come?" he directed the question to me.

"uh you mean mark-hyung as in our senior, right? like...a party you mean?" i asked, a bit surprised since mark lee has a reputation of being the star of every class he is in. and to my question, jaemin nodded yes.

i wouldn't have class tomorrow, so it wouldn't hurt to be there... but usually, i know i won't have a choice since the guys would just drag me along anyways.

"yeah sure, whatever. i might as well try to take a break from work." i replied as the lecturer came in and the room filled with students became calm.

however, even after the class had ended, somehow i couldn't get rid of the image of the person i had seen that morning. the two-tone haired left a stain in my head that i couldn't get rid off.

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