Chapter 5

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Brynlee's POV:

To say a weight was lifted off my shoulders and my heart, was an understatement. Even though Joe told me I shouldn't feel bad, I still felt awful that I kept this from him. Joe and I decided to take things slow, he'd be staying with Riley and I at my apartment 5 days a week and then weekend's we'd stay at his condo. Joe was so excited to make a nursey for Riley, he said every square inch was going to be football themed and perfect for our little boy. Wow, our little boy. That's something I don't think I'll ever be able to get over.

My mom was leaving tomorrow so Joe decided he wouldn't start staying with us until she left, giving Riley and I one more night alone with her. Not because he didn't feel comfortable around my mom, he said and I quote "y'all need time together and I don't want to impose." Even though we all know he was family, there was no way he was "imposing." I wasn't going to argue with him, but that didn't mean that mom wouldn't. While they sat in the living room arguing over if Joe was staying late enough for dinner or not, I went into the kitchen to prep dinner. I was going to order out but since it was mom's last night here I figured why not spoil her and actually make something. So here I am prepping one of our family favorite meals; ham balls, cheesy potatoes, and rolls, courtesy of my grandma's famous recipe.

"So I didn't win the argument with momma, looks like I'll be staying for dinner," Joe walked in, startling me as I mixed the sauce for the ham balls.

"Jesus Joseph. Don't do that!" I said, grabbing my chest.

"Sorry Bryn, didn't mean to spook ya. I just wanted to give you a heads up to make enough for me and I wanted to see how you were doing. Mentally I mean."

Joe always knew how to read me and knew when I wasn't doing the best mentally. As much as a big weight had been lifted off me now that Joe knows, I still was scared about what all this meant. He had fans and an image to uphold and I didn't want to get in the way of that or get threatened; people are cruel these days.

"Honestly? I'm scared. You're about to be a starting quarterback in the NFL and you've got tons of fans. People are so cruel and judgmental these days, I don't want to see you receive flak for being a young dad, especially out of wedlock. I could careless what they think about me, a lot of people already know me from Ohio State. I just don't want them to be mean to you or say bad things about Riley.. Especially Riley, he's an innocent little baby and has no clue how much of a big deal his dad is," I said, rubbing my temples.

"Nu uh Brynie Kate. Please don't start with that. Of course your feelings are valid and I totally understand your concern but we're going to get through this together. I'm sure that I'll get some backlash but I can handle it, I'm a big boy. As for them being mean to you or Riley, I'll handle that. We don't even have to tell people, we can keep Riley our little secret for as long as you want to. I'm not going to make you do anything that you aren't comfortable with babe, I promise you that." Joe said, walking over to me and wrapped his arms around me in a big famous Joe Burrow hug. Our height was perfect so he could rest his chin on top of my head.

"I'm so thankful for you Joey. Thank you for being my best friend all these years and having my back. I couldn't get through life without you and I'm so sorry that we've had so many falling outs, most of them have been my fault. I wouldn't want to have a child with anyone else but you, I know you just met but Riley loves his daddy so much already and you're going to be the best daddy," I snuggled into his chest a little more, I'm not joking when I say his arms are my favorite place to be.

"I love you so much. Now let me help you, the faster we get this prepped the faster we get to spend with our boy." Joe pulled away and smiled, before leaning down and kissing me.

After Joe made a mess of my kitchen, we finally got dinner prepped and ready to go in the oven. My mom took care of Riley while we were making dinner so that we could have some one on one time. I missed all the fun times and laughs we had growing up, he truly was my best friend in this whole world and I would've been lost without him.

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