Chapter 2 - A Walk in the Woods

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Bridget's alarm went off at the usual time that Saturday morning. Unlike her sister, Bridget always got up at the same time every day, school or no school. After completing her shower, she put on exercise pants and a hoodie and headed down to breakfast.

"Going for another walk in the woods?" her mother asked.

"Every Saturday. Just like Grandma and I used to do."

"I never have really understood your fascination with those woods," Glenda replied. "I mean, I know you and your grandmother used to do that, but those woods always frightened me."

"They're strangely beautiful once you get to know them," Bridget said. "I love hiking in there. Gives me a chance to clear my mind after a long week."

"Did the Paxton girls ever call you?" Glenda asked, changing the subject.

"They called last night and said they'd be coming over tomorrow afternoon. I think they've got some rough sketches of what they want."

Bridget finished her last bite of toast and headed out the door.

The morning air was fresh and crisp, as April mornings usually were. It would be warm later in the day, but it was currently a bit chilly. As Bridget entered the woods, she picked up her pace. There were many footpaths with no tree roots poking out of the ground, so a brief run wouldn't be all that risky. As she ran, she let her worries fall away. She forgot about school, work, and the Paxton girls, allowing herself to simply enjoy the air, the birds, and the trees. She listened to the muffled sounds of her shoes hitting the dirt floor beneath her and marveled at the beauty around her.

Suddenly, Bridget stumbled over something, and as she did, she heard the unmistakable sound of a bell. She fell to the ground then rolled over onto her back. Terrified, the girl sat up slowly. Even in her terror, she noticed that her right ankle was hurting terribly. She knew she had sprained it, making her stuck in the woods with no escape from whatever the bell would bring. Her grandmother's words came flooding back to her. Her great-grandmother had lost her mind and then disappeared. What would happen to her?

At first, nothing happened. Then, the previously still air began to rustle through the trees. The effect sent chills up Bridget's spine. Then, the ground opened up before her, and the ghostly figure of a man stepped out and stood before her. She sat frozen in place, too terrified to move. To her shock, he bowed to her.

"Your majesty," he began, his voice pleasantly soft. "You have awakened the spirits. We are your humble servants."

Bridget's mouth dropped open, not only because this spirit seemed so gentle but also because of what he had called her. To be totally honest, she did not look very regal at that moment. Eventually, she regained her voice.

"I-I don't understand," was all she could manage at first.

"The Bell of the Spirits only appears when the chosen heir to the throne is present," he said.

"But what about my great-aunt Hildegard?" Bridget asked. "She rang the bell, and a few days later, she disappeared!" She left off the part about Hildegard's losing her mind. At the moment, Bridget feared she might have lost hers.

"Your great-aunt's fear consumed her to the point that she became unworthy of the throne for which she was chosen. She was, therefore, cast down and became one of us. By her own choice, she has since moved beyond The Veil."

"What is The Veil?" Bridget asked.

"It is the great divide that separates the dead from the next world. Some choose to cross it sooner than others."

Bridget was slowly becoming less frightened of this spirit, but she was still having trouble believing she had been chosen to be his and the other spirits' queen.

"Why me?" she finally asked.

"It is not known why certain ones are chosen for the crown," he replied. "What is known is that this bell appears to those chosen." He picked up the bell and placed it in Bridget's hand. "You, my queen, have been chosen."

"I don't know what to say," Bridget replied.

"You need not say anything, your majesty," the spirit replied. "I will return to you soon so that you may meet your subjects. I am your humble servant."

With this, he bowed and turned to walk away.

"Wait!" Bridget called out. "What is your name?"

The spirit turned to her, smiling.

"I am Jonathan," he replied, and then he disappeared, leaving Bridget alone in the woods.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2022 ⏰

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