Chapter 2 the first day of school

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"Come on Tia."Rainbow shout it in glee it was the first day of school rainbow can't wait to get started."Calm down a filly we all know how excited you are!"Luna said they going to the carriage Rainbow immediately got she began to look around"Have a good day will come back and pick you up.""ok bye tia bye luna love you."Rainbow said"Love you too"luna and Celestia said before walking back to their carriage and Bolting up into the sky."Ok my little ponies time to go inside"a voice called out after the whole introduction thing Cheerilee Began to teach "Today we're gonna learn about the ever free forest" Cheerliee said After the lesson Everypony went outside.Rainbow began to look around for friends To play with.She noticed a filly hiding behind a tree.She came closer the filly middle it got startled"Don't mind Rainbow crystal"A voice said.She's a little shy""Who are you" rainbow ask in a polite voice.''oh how rude of me the name sweet treat"and this here is rainbow crystal."And who are you"Sweet treat ask"The name is rainbow sky"Rainbow reply"Say what if we went to the Everfree how fun was that be''Sweet treat said"Yeah I would love to see ThThe Everfree''Rainbow said"I don't know girls it seems a little dangerous And what about a parents what a they gonna say''Come on Rainbow crystal please it's gonna be fine will be back before they know it "Sweet treat a pleaded''ok"Rainbow crystal said. any went to the Everfree Forest

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