Dating Amber

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How dating Amber would be like

•Definitely very clingy

•Gets jealous very easily

•she definitely loves to hug you for hours on end

•she lends you some of her jewelry

•you guys have matching necklaces

•she's very protective over you

•when you get hurt she starts freaking out really bad

•if she had a stressful day she would come over to your house and secretly spend the night

•she comes over whenever and climbs in through your window.

•she smells really good so when you guys hug you awkwardly smell her sometimes

•she forces you to watch the stab movies with her

•she is literally obsessed with you

•she buys you a ton of gifts for your birthday, Christmas, and valentines day

•you don't know that she uses reddit

•she dresses up as Ghostface every Halloween

•she's overall a amazing gf

Amber Freeman •Oneshots•Where stories live. Discover now