So called 'heroes' ~ chapter 18~

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My alarm blares on the table, signalling for me to get up. The taunting noise carries on as I just lay there. My shoulder still hurting like fuck.

I turn off the alarm and make my way to the closest. I pull out some lose pants, a white shirt and a black sweatshirt to go over it. I place the clothes in my bed and head to the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth.

Once dressed I go into the kitchen and start making breakfast for me and the others. I only make waffles with some fruit, it's quick but will fuel us until lunch. We eat in comfortable silence, just simply enjoying the company of each other.

~~time skip brought to you by the fact I haven't updated in a while~~

We walk into school and meet up with Peter and his friends. It's Wednesday which means we have an assembly in the gymnasium. We make our way to our seats, me sat in between Arley and Maggie, Ned in between MJ and Peter.

Everyone chats among themselves as we wait for the teacher, who comes in not too long after us.

"Today we have some very special guests coming along to talk to you guys. We're all excited that these people cleared some time off of their busy schedule to talk to you guys. Please clap and give a warm welcome to the Avengers." He says clapping, turning to the door where the so called 'heroes' walk in.

I share glances with Arley and Maggie, none of us smiling. We wait for the six 'heroes' to stand in the middle of the makeshift stage. But that's not all who walk through the doors.

In walks in Nick Fury, the director of Shield, and around five agents with him. Now we're in some deep shit.

I look around and see Peter looking at the three of us so I smile at him. He seems to look away as soon as I smile. Strange.

" guys they've got to know we're here, why else would they be here." I whisper to the others. I made sure to speak in Russian just in case some kid decides to listen to me.

"I don't know, they could've been asked to come as swell?" Maggie shrugged replying in Russian too.

"Why would the school want Shield here. They just want the Avengers, Shield doesn't really have any significance to the school." Arley adds in.

I look up at the group, noticing the Black widow already looking at the three of us.

"Guys." I whisper, slightly motioning to the woman looking at us.

"Now I'm guessing that you're all wondering why six of earths mightiest heroes are at your school. Well we have seen an incline of crime in the areas around the school so we thought what's better than teaching the kids some self defence techniques." Tony Stark says while looking over all the children ahead of him.

"So with that said, we  will pick one kid each.  Once you're called please come to the front. Also as we don't know names we will just point and describe something you're wearing. So I pick.." Captain America starts, looking in the crowd. "You in the yellow shirt." He finishes smiling, of course the kid he picks is Flash.

A few more kids get picked, some are in my classes but some aren't. Now it's just Tony and Black Widows turn. Tony looks around for a moment until his eyes land on Peter.

"Ahh you kid, brown curly hair, kinda looks like a cute little puppy." He says making everyone around laugh.

Peter stands up and walks down to the group. Now it's BW's turn. She doesn't even look at anyone else, her eyes immediately making contact with mine.

"Kid with the black sweatshirt,good style, red hair." She announces and everyone turns to look at me.

I sigh and quickly take a painkiller out of my pocket and swallow it. I turn to Arley. " Arls you try and listen in on whatever the agents talk about, they have earpieces too, see if you can hear that but no worries if you can't." I whisper as quick as I can as I walk past.

AN: hey dudes I'm sorry it took awhile I've had some things going on yk. Anyways here's a slightly longer one to make up for it. I should be able to update tomorrow:)

Anygays see ya in a bit


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