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𝖘𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝖈𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐧.



A YOUNG LITTLE GIRL, no more than the age of six. she stood beneath the black night that brought beauty to one another, as only complementary opposites ever can.

with big and round e/c eyes gazing up the sky filled with twinkling sprinkles, in awe and dropped jaws. her small hands squeezed the hem of her kimono in excitement. her face ever so held a lightly tinted rosy blush.

the sight of the little girl dangling her tiny little feet while she say on the rooftop was enough to amaze the little boy with messy white hair. she hadn't noticed him, because she was too fixated on the scenery above her.

it was a magical moment, where the tears of the brilliant pearls of the night bloomed in yellow velvet. and there seishiro nagi stood, his tiny form behind the big figure of his father; admiring the little girl.

to get her attention didn't needed the effort of the boy. the moment she averted her gaze from the heavens to him, he flinched and hid behind. the older man let out a soft 'hm?' when his child hesitantly went behind him. his hands moved itself to ruffle the little boy's head just as the voice of a female child could be heard.

"gentlemen, do you have business with the dojo?" she said coolly, trying her hardest to keep her eyes on the adult where it would occasionally glance behind the adult.

this wasn't the first time her family's traditionally old house had gotten visitors this late of a night, where the wolves would cry out into the night. even if someone were to sign their children or themselves up for the legendary dojo lessons her father teaches in, it wouldn't be at night.

"ah, souji-sama's daughter i assume?" the older man said. he had a huge resemblance to the little boy behind him. she immediately recognised who he was and hopped down the rooftop, bowing lightly. "i have no idea who you are but you're one of father's friends, right?"

he nodded and returned the smile she gave, quickly noticing that she had stopped the glancing at his son. with such a quick conversation, she would turn her full attention on the subject and give them her full services. what an obedient child, the man thought.

"i am the daughter of the 23rd head— actually nevermind you already know," she giggled and rubbed her neck, perking up once she had remembered. "anddd who's that? is he mini nagi-sama?" her little form trot to where nagi stood, a deadpanned face portrayed all over his cute features.

neither her or the boy's father knew about it, but he hid his face with the kimono of the man. it covered the field of roses that crawled beneath his cheeks. as the girl stared at him with the most curious eyes, he couldn't help but step out with hesitant steps.


he softly but audibly said, his grey eyes that were filled with the secrets of the dead averted away from her own e/c ones. it was unexpectedly let out on instincts. his instincts told him that this girl before him was like the stars dancing away above them right now. and he ultimately gave away his name, forgetting his pride the moment she spoke to him.

something about her made him felt as ease. the young and amateur feeling of it made him confused. it was not helping his childish mind when she extended her hands, a different smile showing from when she flashed it at his father.

"i'm uesugi y/n, nice to meet you nagi-san. let's watch the stars together!"

the journey of the inefficient boy and the stargazing girl would then blossom into a beautiful one.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒. s. nagi ✓Where stories live. Discover now