If you're not here

Start from the beginning

"Go on. Leave. I don't need you. And I bet I'll be better without you!" I shouted at the crying girl leaving the dark street.

"Mate?" A voice in the other side of the phone called. "Are you still there? Are you alright?"

"Yes." I sobbed.

"She is going to be alright," he assured it like if he was sure of that. But he can't know that. "Tom." He called after a while of no answer from my side.

"How?" Tears keep leaving my eyes. And as time continues my voice breaks more.

"She was driving. It was raining. The road was slippery. Another car was coming, in the wrong direction, she tried to dodge it... she lost control over the car and fall on the ravine." I can tell that he can also break but he is trying to make himself strong so I don't break even more. "We are here, Grace and me. Y/n's mom called Grace. Them both agree in you coming."

"I don't think she would want me there."

"Come on, mate. You know she would love to know you came an see her." He sounds so sure of what he just said, but we al know I am the last person who should be there.

"No, Harrison. I hurt her, I am the last person who should be there." Even if it hurts, I need to face it. I shouldn't be there. And she was right. "And I'm not in London." I stated the last part as if I were going to wake up from having a nightmare. But it wasn't like that. This is real life. She is in a fucking hospital and I'm the other side of the world. It can be real life, but it still feels like a nightmare.

"Yeah, you are working. How could I forgot you are doing the one thing that took her away from you. If I were you I would be taking the next flight here. But how you want." He got mad at me, but it's not my fault. "They don't think she'll make it and if she does I think it's time for you to apologize. We are in Saint Thomas hospital, if you change your mind." And the call went dead.

I stayed where I was, not knowing what to do.

She can leave this world and the last thing we did was fight. The last thing I made her feel was pain.

"Tom," the director assistant called me. "Break is over, we are filming the next scene."

Apparently he can't see the tears in my face or he does not care.

"Where is Tom?!" Someone from inside the set shouted. "We need him."

My eyes stared emptily to the door. "Come one, we need to continue." The director assistant said impatiently.

"I'm sorry." I apologized. Not just with him, but with everyone. And I left as fast as I could.

And I board the closest flight to London. And what were eight hours of flight, felt like a lifetime.

And as soon as I landed, I took the first taxi I saw to the hospital Haz told me.

"I come to see Y/n Y/l." I said in a hurry to the receptionist. Her eyes left the computer to look up at me.

"It's not visiting hour." She affirmed without emotions. Is she serious?

"I need to see her. She... please." Tears started to come down my eyes once more.

"I'm sorry but she can't have visitors." Once more disregard in her.

"She can die!" I shouted so that the whole waiting room turn to see me. "You know what, I'll search for her." I turn and started walking towards the nearest hallway.

"Sir! Sir!" the lady called me, "You cant- security!" And two men stopped me.

"No, please." I cried, "I need to see her." I tried to get rid from them but in this state everything I do is useless. Every strength I have had is gone.

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