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A/N: I wrote this two years ago when i was really sick and cooped up in the house... Now, try not to read this one at face value, look for the symbolism of the "color' and let me know what you think.


There is an absence of color

In this cold, dark world.

Starkness of dirt and sky.

Solidness of black trees and roads.

World, where has your color gone?

Surely it was stolen

By the far reaches of your being,

Jealousy locking it away.

Could they not share

One yellow lily?

Or perhaps a small bluebird?

Not even a single green leaf?

Chance a rainbow

Slip through their mighty grasp?

Brilliantly colored red, orange, and yellow.

Green, blue, indigo, and violet.

One rainbow to brighten

And color the world.

One rainbow,

That may stretch for miles.

Can it not be spared? 

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