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(Little bit of a warning: drug use is mentioned.)

(You = Emma)


You're sat on the floor doing some final touch ups of your makeup in the floor length mirror by your bed

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You're sat on the floor doing some final touch ups of your makeup in the floor length mirror by your bed. Rafe lay in your bed watching you, "can you hurry the fuck up" he complained. "Chill out im ready" you reply and heave yourself up off the floor, grabbing your boots and bag. Rafe gets himself up off your bed and follows you out the room and downstairs to the car. There was a huge house party on the rich side of town with most of the teens from around Kildare county and most of your friends had already arrived. Both Kooks and Pogues are there, minding there own business, not particularly acknowledging each other.

You arrive fashionably late with Rafe in his shiny, black, open top Mercedes.
You are wearing a sexy, black mini dress and glitter on your eyes. Your wavy dark hair flowing freely down your back.

You post a story on the way:

You post a story on the way:

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Rafe speeds onto the gravel of the house and comes quickly to a stop beside the many other cars in the driveway.
You both get out slamming the doors behind you.

Rafe casually clicks the button on the key and the car makes a quick bleep.

"Can you chuck these in you bag" Rafe says to you, reaching out his hand with the key in it.

"Sure" you say, looking over at him, and he throws it to you.

"Cheers" he replies, looking back at you smiling as you get closer together from either side of the car.

You place the keys in your little bag and make your way up to the house.

As you come up to the open front door, Rafe rests his arm over your shoulder.
You look up at him as he glances down at you smirking before you roll your eyes and enter through the front door into the loud house full of partying teenagers.

Bass music and voices laughing and talking hits your ears.
It's a familiar feeling and it somewhat comforts you, you take a deep breath and smile to yourself.

As you step through the entrance way your put your arms up shriek into the music. 

You get glances from multiple people in the room but you couldn't care less. Tonight is gonna be good, you think to yourself.

Rafe laughs at you, "I'm gonna go gets us some drinks" he says to you over the music, putting his hand on the small of your back for a second as he does.

As he walks off to get drinks topper meets your eyes from across the room and makes his way to you.

"Heyy! Emma, your here!" He says raising his arms a little as he gets closer and pulls you in for a hug.

"Yes. I. am" you say, letting out a small giggle as you gently hug him back.

You both pull away and he speaks, "where's Rafe?" he questions you, glancing around.

"He's just gone to get drinks" you say motioning to the kitchen, your eyes following the direction of your arm.

You look back at him, "what about Sarah, is she here?" you ask him mainly just out of politeness as you didn't honestly care if she was there or not.

You didn't particularly dislike Sarah Cameron, you just mainly didn't understand why Topper was dating her.
They were so all different from her. However you never really put that much thought into it, you didn't really care I suppose, and you did just want Topper to be happy.

Sarah never really came to these parties, she was just less of a party person let's just say.

"Nah, she's at home" Topper replies.

As he does, Rafe comes back from the kitchen holding two red solo cups full of a juice and vodka, (but mainly vodka!) you smile at each other as you thank him.

"Kelce and everyone are over on the sofas" Topper says to you both, so Rafe takes your hand and you all start walk over to where your kook friends were sitting. You pull your hand away from Rafe's and give him a bit of a look. You guys weren't dating and you didn't want him or anyone else to get the impression you were. He gave you a confused look back to which you replied with a knowing one. Rafe knew what you meant so gave you a quick eye roll before continuing through the party.

"Yo Rafe, Emma" Kelce bursts out to you as you arrive and stands up to greet you both.

The boys lock hands and reach their other arms around the others torso and pat each other on the back a few times before pulling away.

"Sup man" Rafe mumbles to his mate as they do so.

Kelce then moves his attention to you and hugs you gently.

"Hey Kelce" you say as your hugging him.

As your doing so Rafe sits down on the empty space beneath you on the sofa.

You pull away from kelce and look down at Rafe's lap.
He had both his arms leaning on the arms on the sofa signalling for you to sit on his lap.

You look at him and scoff.  He just smirks back at you, nodding his head to his lap to encourage you to sit on it.
You glance around the sofa area and there are no other spaces for you to sit.

"Only 'cos there's no where else to sit" you say to him as you perch on his legs.

"Keep telling your self that sweetheart" he remarks into your ear smirking.
You roll your eyes and lean further into his lap, taking a sip from your cup.

Rafe liked showing you off, but you liked to be shown off just as much, so it worked.

Rafe liked showing you off, but you liked to be shown off just as much, so it worked

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Sorry not much is happening yet but hopefully you enjoyed! (Pls vote if you did!) x

Emma Burton - OBX | Rafe Cameron, (JJ Maybank)Where stories live. Discover now