Chapter Fourty-Nine

Start from the beginning

My hands trailed his torso, soon tugging up on the hem of his shirt lightly. When he lifted his arms, I pulled it up over his head.

Dylan took it from me, tossing it to the side as he pressed his lips back to mine with a little more force than before. He crouched a little, tracing his hands down my back before lifting me off of the ground.

I wrapped my legs around his torso, my fingers toying with the hair at the nape of his neck. "Wait!" I pulled away, still holding onto him.

Dylan looked lightly startle, his lips more pink than before. "What? Is something wrong?"

"No, give me you mobile." Dylan only grinned, setting me on the counter of the kitchenette while pulling his phone from his pocket. After handing it to me, he ran his hands up and down my thighs in attempt to distract me.

I only laughed, holding down the power button on his cell. I did the same with mine, setting both behind me before putting my hand on his cheeks. I smiled, "No interruptions."

Dylan tucked a fallen wave of hair behind my ear, his eyes focused on mine. "No interruptions, that's a new one."

"Seems like a good change to me." I softly said, pulling him back to me and pressing his lips to mine.

Dylan lifted me back off of the counter, giving in as he walked us from the living space out to the bedroom. He bumped me on the door, kicking off his shoes while laughing into the kiss.

"This looks way easier in the movies." I mumbled against his mouth, pulling on his shoulders as he put me down on the bed. "It sure as hell looked like it in your movie with Britt."

Dylan grinned, hands pressed into the mattress on either side of me. "We had to do that take like twenty times. I kept falling over."

I tried to keep from laughing, but it was enough so that I had to stop kissing Dylan for a moment. "Now that's all I'm picturing."

"How about you stop picturing that and you be here, right now, with me." He kissed my collarbone, starting the pull up the hem of my top.

I sat up just enough to pull the fabric free, Dylan throwing it to the side as his mouth met mine more needily than before. I ran my hand down his firm torso, stopping as my fingers hit the buckle of his belt.

Dylan pulled away, his expression slightly changed. "Are you sure?"

I traced my fingers along his cheek, "I'm sure."


Light dripped into the hotel room, inching its way across my face. I slowly opened my eyes, the curtains barely parted. In the middle of the bed wrapped in the duvet, I was alone.

I sat up, running my fingers through my hair. Holding the covers to my chest, I tilted my head towards Dylan's pillow. I plucked the tented piece of paper with his handwriting.


I'm so incredibly sorry, but my agent booked an interview that he gave me no say in. I'm not sure when you'll wake up (I'm guessing noonish, knowing you) but I should be back before 6. If the interview is running long, I'll get up and leave, no question.

I love you so much and I feel so bad about having to leave. I wish I could've woken up with you, even though you sleep like a bear.

I hope this doesn't ruin our trip too much,


I slid out of the bed, leaving the note on the side table. I guessed it wasn't too bad, but it left me in a city I didn't like alone for a few hours, at least.

Worth Solving {Dylan O'Brien}Where stories live. Discover now