chapter three

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"everyone.. this is Missy. she will be joining you today." Miss Granada said loud enough for everyone to hear. i saw 2 little girls sitting in the front row one with long brown hair and pink glasses and the other with light brown hair and a pink shirt. "Missy, I'd appreciate it if you would take a seat right there and quietly continue your studies along with the other children." she proceeded to smile widely, almost.. fakely? "children.. thank you for respecting my rules. your parents will be very proud when I tell them of your exceptional behavior. well done." we all sat still for a moment and i looked back down and proceeded with my studies. a guy who had curly brown hair stretched his neck super long or long enough to reach to the door from his seat and then screamed, "she's gone!" then once i turned back to the rest of the class there was paper planes everywhere and everyone screamed and went crazy loud. a boy who looked about a year or maybe 2 years younger than me approached me, he was in a wheelchair he had dirty blonde hair green eyes and freckles. "hey im wheels. yes they call me that on account of the wheelchair." and i looked at him then tried to focus on my studies once again. "its a little on the nose, but i like it because its cool." is he serious right now? "okay." i said calmly then tried to focus again. "you may think I'm in the chair 'cause my legs are weak, but it's the opposite.
my muscles are so strong my bones can't support 'em. but lucky for me, my brain's the same way. It's supercharged, so I'm good."

then the guy who was stretching his neck out with his head against the door approached us who was seated right behind my desk. "so, wheels, who's your new friend?" all i heard was blankness. i looked around the class and at the corner of my eye was a guy with dark brown eyes and dark brown hair, he was wearing a black shirt and some dark wash jeans and was reading a book about chemistry. interesting. then i came badk to the real world wheels was still talking? "and this is A capella." she smiled delightfully, "it me" she sang beautifully it was music to my ears quiet litterally. "that's your superpower? you can sing?" i asked not in a mean way but you get it! it was a question. "yep, but I have an unusual range." she prepped her voice, "I can go low... or I can go high" interesting power i must say. "I can even go really..." "i dont hear anything?" "its beyond human hearing."

Miss A Capella Vox, please refrain from using your high voice. Every dog in the neighborhood has surrounded our building.

I actually felt like I was having a good time now. just a bit, or maybe a bit too much compared to what i thought. everyone in the room burst laughing even the guy in the back. i was so focused on him it was strange. then wheels continued with the introductions, "and she can sing so low that she moves objects." "show her how you make things float!" the ground began to shake and the chairs flew up and a guy with dark brownish black hair climbed up the chairs. through every other introduction i didnt care, i was gonna get to know them anyways right? "then theres our fearless leader wildcard, theres not a single power in the world he doesnt have!" wildcard smiled smugly into a little smirk then looked up at me, "true" just then wheels blurted "sure, he has every power imaginable, but since he can't foc-" wildcard put his hand over his mouth then turned a little red. wheels rolled eyes, "and last, but definitely not least, Guppy." the little girl made a water airplane then proceeded to crush it. "how are you making that?" "my mommy is Lavagirl, but my daddy is Sharkboy, so instead of lava, I move water. I need hydration for my powers to work." i smiled at her, "that's really cool." she looked up at me. "thanks." just as i sat down wildcard sat right next to me and rested his arm on my side of the desk, "so, new girl, what's your superpower?" he asked me. i felt his hot breath on me and it gave me the chills. "yeah, uh, so with the whole powers thing..."

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