Opinions of Interest

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Before you read...

Here comes the perks of being intelligent... Law states that I can say anything I want in the 1st Amendment. So I suggest if you have an unstable mind. DO NOT READ!!! Lol jk it's my opinions sooo... Enjoy!
P.S. : Grammar is not important right now.

Rant 1

Who in the world said we are monkeys?!?! You must be mentally ill of just outright stupid to listen to a guy like this! I don't care if he has studied his butt off in the field! He ... or she is completely wrong! Monkeys are their own branch in the tree of life just like any other animal. We are not the same!

I believe in creationism because it makes logical sense! Evolution on the other hand is a bunch of nonsense! Creationism states that God created the universe... Who else could've made it? A "Big Bang" ? These such states are irrelevant because in that little particle smaller than any atom was no life at all... How would we exist if there is no life? Life cannot just spontaneously appear from dust. Evolution is a fraud and the government is lying to you because they believe that you have the power in God to change all of their rules and policies that keep them in power. It is all true... The government is trying to convince you to believe their crap in order for them to become more powerful. Then what will happen to us? They're trying to control everything you do for their own benefit. They don't care about who you are of what you believe in... they just want to keep you in their favor so they become powerful and you become a piece of dung. People need to realize that it's a a government run of, by, and for the people and not by a group of individuals with all the power. Look at how you current living situation... If it looks fine to you look deeper! You'll find that the government is taking from you and they want even more. I believe that we have the potential to change if we gather up and make a legitimate effort. Today would be difficult so I don't know because I have school today but one day you'll see!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2015 ⏰

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