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Quick note . None of the images I use are mine unless stated so.

For as long as I can remember me and Sayo have always been friends. He said hi and I just stuck to him and that was that. We did everything together. Ayano's 5 th birthday party before she moved away and gained a new life.

Went to the park and played tag with other kids our age and Find the rabbit. All the sleepless nights , if one of us couldn't fall asleep we'd stay awake with one another until the sleepless one fell asleep or the alarm for school went off.

Everything one did the other did as well. He is .... Was my best of friend and always will be. About a year ago I found something out that I never told anyone. It's haunted me ever sense but I put up with it.

I woke up this morning, told Sayo good morning, went downstairs and ate breakfast. Left a note on the fridge for my mother. I won't be home until later so best to let her know.

Grabbing the bag I've had for years , worn down by heavy usage , I headed for school that I've been with longer than any other. Graduation is soon , so soon I can almost taste it. I've always been excited to finally finish, and find out what I want to do next.

In the same order every day the routine is the same . AP math , AP science , English , Physical education, History, lunch, Foreign language, And whatever extracurricular activity I was put in .

I wouldn't say I was the all A student just B and C with the the occasional A. Everything I did I gave 100 percent on ..... okay more like 88% but it's better than nothing.

At the end of the day I met with Sayo and went to a nice cafe. Not big but definitely not small. We shared how our day, made inside jokes , talked about the possible future. It was the best time I ever had.

When we finished and walked out , Sayo turned to me and said.

" I'll see you tomorrow, I've got something big planned for us so don't be late okay !" His mischievous smile , full with excitement and anticipation. It filled me with joy.

"I won't Sayo."

With that he happily nodded and continued his track back home. No longer in eye sight I turned around and looked up to the sky.

"It's time to go." With a hand held out I took it. Already anticipating what was going to happen. Leaving with no regret.

I just hope Sayo won't be to mad at me for missing tomorrow and other days after.

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