Chapter 10, Azad

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"What do you mean he's dead," Paren heard Azad said in a slow deliberate manner, and as he turns to look at the man, he had a look of disbelief in his face. He himself knew little about Kint, but as far as he was told, Kint and Azad had been together for so long, both had served in the Eastern Army, and both had a good reputation as swordsmen.

"My lord, one of his men had just arrived," Paren watched as Treman spoke to Azad, "I believe, his name is Dumas, and he told us what happens."

"Where is he now?" Azad demanded in a cold voice.

"Sigeric is with him now, my lord" The man answered quickly.

"Bring him to me!" Azad commanded in a growl.

Treman bowed his head, "by your command, my lord," the man said before running outside.

Paren watches his master marches inside his room and slamming the door. After a while, he came out of his room dressed in his usual attire, wearing a blue coat over his tunic, with a matching black pants and boots.

As soon as he walks out, Gregor taps his pipe and stood up, joining Azad as they both marches outside his house. Paren casually followed the two outside, where they met one of Kint's own men who was then kneeling on the ground with his head bowed down. Paren wondered if the man was simply dejected or has been beaten up.

"What happen to Kint?" Azad demanded with a tone of authority in his voice.

"He had fallen my lord," the man said as he looks up to Azad with a pained look in his eyes.

"How?" Paren heard Azad said in a calm voice, but he could see his hands go white as he grabs the pommel of his sword.

The man started narrating what happen. From what the man had told them, Kint led his ten men on horse charge against two hunters. But what happens makes no sense, or at least none that he could think off. According to the man, the two hunters just sat on their horses and pointed something at them as they charge on, and for a moment, the man claims he saw a flash and puff of smoke at the thing those hunters were holding and at the same time heard a whiplash or whipcrack. The man was explicit about that, but the man says he did not pay any mind to it and kept on charging. He said he was just behind Kint all the time, and he saw Kint's looks behind him every time he saw it happens. Then as they close in, the hunters pull out something from their baldric and pointed it at them, and that is when he saw Kint and another man tumbles down from their horses, with blood gushing out from their bodies. And by the time he and his companion look around, their numbers were cut down from eleven men down to three men, and that is when they fled as fast as they could.

"What I want to know, is why you leave Kint out there" Paren heard Azad growled.

"My lord, we could have died if we stayed, its only by luck that we survive the encounter!" The man said as if pleading.

"It's better that you had died with him!" Paren watches Azad screamed as he drew his sword and suddenly rams it into the man's chest with its blade piercing through its back, Azad then places his foot on the man shoulder and kicks him so he could draw his sword out.

"Who are these hunters he was talking about," Gregor asked musingly as he stared at the dead man before them.

"I've seen them before," Azad growled as he leans down and wipes his blade on the dead man's clothes before he stood up and sheaths it.

"You did? Where?" Gregor asked as he looks at Azad.

"This morning, when I visited the village," Azad said coldly as he stared down at the dead man, "Kint had shown me the two hunters that he's been looking at, he says he would bring the woman to me."

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