Chapter 10: Never Stood a Chance

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He shut the door and turned on the water, leaving Childe frozen in place. Of all the people in Teyvat, Kaeya had become the one that he knew best, and, as a result, Kaeya was the one who knew him the best, too. However, in all their closeness, Childe still hadn't figured out how to interpret his words. Kaeya always spoke in codes and deeper meanings. If that was true, though, that meant he just...

Elizabeth whipped her head around to him, "What was that?"

"I—I don't know," he put a hand over his mouth, then exhaled, "Let's just fix you dinner, alright?"

"Mr. Kaeya just told you he loves you!" she pointed, ignoring the man's words.

Childe put a plate in front of the chair she was leaning on, "Please leave it alone, Liz."

Huffing, Elizabeth folded her arms, "Aren't you going to go after him?"

"He's in the bathroom, not the Abyss," the man spoke sarcastically.

"Mr. Childe!"

"Elizabeth!" he scolded in the same tone as her, "Just—I don't want you involved in this, okay? It's not as simple as you think it is. Things are just...complicated...for him and I."

"I've seen way worse. Mum and Father hated each other!"

As childish as he knew it was, he folded his arms, "I wish it was that easy."

"Why isn't it?" Elizabeth threw her arms out in exasperation. Childe sighed; it was a fair question, after all. Even he didn't know why. All he could do was remember the exact words Kaeya said to him, and try to read between the lines as best he could.

"I really like you Childe, truly, I do. But I think, perhaps, now is not the best time to do this. I...I can't be with you right now. I'm sorry. Maybe in the future, but...I don't know. I think you should stay with Zhongli for a while, so things aren't, well, awkward..."

He said, as if the conversation hadn't been awkward in and of itself. Childe knew why Kaeya wanted him gone for those few months; he wanted him to get over whatever connection they may have had. But Childe never could. He opted for returning without letting go of his feelings, burying them deep inside where no one would ever find them. He guessed he didn't really do a good job, though. It was clear as day to Elizabeth, and probably to Kaeya, too—the man was incredibly perceptive. Scratch that, he knew it was clear to Kaeya. Maybe he was using that information as a game. Again.

Childe didn't know how long he'd been staring into space before Kaeya stepped out of the bathroom. They looked at each other with the same solemn expressions they had on that day, the day Kaeya left. They each knew what the other was thinking:

"I'm sorry."

"I know."

Kaeya inhaled a long, shaky breath, "I'll go get Evan."

"I love you," Childe wanted to blurt out, but he pursed his lips together instead.

Turning around, Kaeya bumped straight into the boy he was searching for. Cursing under his breath, he stumbled backwards and watched as Evan snuck past him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, Mr. Kaeya," he put his free hand on the door, "Do you have any towels?"

"Already in the bathroom," Kaeya replied absentmindedly, not bothering to ask about the toy in the boy's hand. As Evan closed the bathroom door, he rushed forward down the hallway with crossed arms. Though he couldn't see him, he knew Childe would try to come after him; frankly, Kaeya wasn't ready to have the conversation he knew Childe wanted. For all the slack he gave Michael, he realized that they were very much alike. Neither of them were fond of vulnerability.

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