ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 48 {TᕼEᖇE TᕼE ᑕᗩᔕE} 🧳

Start from the beginning

Our carrier pushes through the black flaps, a whole warehouse of endless conveyor belts of bags. The least I can say is that we were all not expecting this.

Our conveyer belt leads to a sudden steep drop and we all panic loudly and we drift extremely quickly down. Our plummet cut with a crash and we're thrown out of the carrier into a heap.

How is an animal supposed to survive that fall?

Peeling a sticker with a fancy word on it off my arm, I look over to Slinky who's doing the same from his head. "Blech. Ow. There's the case."

We are pushed along and our belt weaves through others.

He points to a far away belt. How are we gonna get over there?

Hamm jumping from the disbanding pile with potato head, Rex and the aliens says "No, there's the case!"

Buzz already running off calls "You take that one, we'll take this one!"

The guys jump down to chase down the second green case as Slink and I go after the first one with Buzz.

Adrenaline suddenly rushes through me as we dash to save Woody. As if we were in a movie like the ones we watch with Andy, Slinky, Buzz and I together run to get to the bag before it's to late.

Buzz and I weave over the many bags with ease, one a little higher than the others.


We stop dead in our tracks and whip our heads back to slinky. We see him with his tail that's caught on the taller bag which is flinging down a different conveyor belt.

"Y/n! Buzz, Buzz my back ends goin' the baton route! AHHH!" Slinky panics as he's dragged away.

"SLINKY!" Buzz yells.

"Slink, will be back, don't worry we'll get ya!" I call out to him now far in the distance and chasing after the green case again with Buzz.

ᑭOTᗩTO ᕼEᗩᗪ ᑭOᐯ
Coming up close to the green case we chased, we yell out to Woody, let's hope he's ready to jump and dip.

"Here we come Woody!" Hamm chants as he and I eagerly grasp the latches and shove open the lid.

Groaning, we our eyes on what's not Woody but is some fancy flash and film sets Hamm comments "hey, nice flash though"

Flash? Hmm.

"Grab a flash thingy ma jig, or a camera, someone's bout to have a photoshoot" I say grabbing some gear.

Y/ᑎ ᑭOᐯ
Buzz and I continue to battle through the cases and approach a guitar case that it positioned up to the conveyer belt that the case is on.

Dashing up and in front of the case Buzz and I each flick the lock up as Buzz breathlessly says "Ok Woody, Let's go"

Buzz is punch flat in the face by a musty old fist that's owned by the prospector.

"BUZZ!" I cry as I watch in horror.

Buzz stumbles back trying to regain his balance from the hit he just received, into me. I do everything I can to stop us until I trip on the edge of the cover belt and we tip over the edge.

I feel some major déjà vu as I watch Buzz fall down to a belt bellow as I hang onto the edge of the one that we just tumbled off of.

"HEY" I hear someone bellow.

"NO ONE DOES THAT TO MY FRIENDS!" I use all my might to pull myself up enough and see Woody grab the Prospector forcefully turning him to scream in his face.

He leaps out of the green case, body slamming the Prospector onto the surface and the 2 of them tackle each other.

Slowly making progress, I keep hoisting myself up on the moving belt watching the fight quickly turn on Woody.

The Prospector kicks Woody off of him, flinging him into the side of the conveyor belt.

"WOODY! WOODY HANG ON" I panic, now scrambling up and stop the prospector from hurting him before I can stop him.

Jumping up to my feet on the conveyor belt, I Keep my eyes glued on the 2 round up members the prospector quietly walks over to Woody and raises his pickaxe up.

'Oh no no no'

Without thinking, I grab onto the pickaxe and pull it away from Woody with everything in me, in attempt to chuck it over the edge or something, not sure haven't gotten that far mentally yet.

The prospector whips around and pulls back as we tug a war.

"NO, I- agh- I won't let you do this!" I strain, how is this old guy so strong?

Without warning he stops pulling, throwing me off balance as he snatches his pickaxe back. He knocks me in the side of my head, making it feels like is swirling before finishing the deal and shoving me harshly in the waist. I stumble backwards onto the surface, feeling beaten up and weak.

"Y/n! No I'm sorry-" Woody panics

"Stupid failure of a toy, always to late. First the show, now to be the saviour, messing with everything." he grumbles, rolling his eyes at me.

The prospector stomps over to Woody who's still on the floor looking dazed. Taking his pickaxe to Woody's shoulder, he swiftly rips a straight line, like the one that Andy caused by accident.

Woody clutches his hurt arm with a fearful yell in pain.

"Your choice Woody, You can go to Japan together for in prices. If he fixed you once, he can fix you again.." Anger and sourness coating the prospectors voice.

I watch in horror, feeling weak and helpless trying to get up and help.

Pointing to the green case the prospector yells "NOW GET IN THE BOX!"

Fighting back Woody shouts "NEVER!"

Preparing his pickaxe once again the Prospector replies with a growl "FINE!"

With a heave the prospector starts to throw is axe down before a bright like coats over him, blinding him.

He cowers as flashes go off repeatedly as he try's to cover his eyes.

The guys run over with cameras and flash from a higher conveyer belt as Buzz runs through them and straight over to Stinky Pete grabbing his vest and lifting him up and vulnerable "gotcha!"

(imagine someone looking back at the footage and photos that were taken of the prospector, it would have turned into so creepy pasta or something)

Carefully picking myself of the ground I watch the scene before me pan out.

Stinky Pete grumbles and announces his thoughts to us loudly "IDIOTS. Children destroy toys. You'll all be ruined. Forgotten. Spending eternity rotting in some landfill."

Woody walks up and bends over to get into Stinky Pete's face. Grabbing Pete's cheek using his good arm Woody says "Well, Stinky Pete. I think it's time you learned the true meaning of playtime."

Standing back up straight I follow along with Buzz and Woody, restraining the Prospector as Woody announces with a point of his finger "right over there guys!"

"No..No! NOOOOOO!" Stinky Pete cries out hastling us, trying to force himself free.

Together the 3 of us shove him next to a barbie, into a net pocket of a bright, decorated pink backpack that is more than likely owned by a creative little girl, especially by the slight sight I saw of the side of the barbies face.

Not a second later, the bag falls behind the flaps where we see a girl pick up her bag after eyeing the Prospector and skipping off.

'Haha sucker'

Estelle Harris passed away 😖

Words: 1870

TᕼE ᔕᕼEᖇIᖴᖴ'ᔕ ᗪEᑭᑌTY {Y/n the Everything Doll}Where stories live. Discover now