"Tommy would've loved this." She whispered.

She turned back to brother, only to see him going after the native woman. Grabbing her bow, Lizzie followed.

"If I'm like a child, maybe you should teach me." Jake said.

"Sky People cannot learn. You do not See."

"Then uh, teach me to See."

"No one can teach you to See." The woman stated.

Lizzie shook her head. She could tell that her brother would keep pushing until he either got hurt, or he got what he wanted.

"Can't we just talk," Jake asked as he followed the native woman. "Where'd you learn to speak English? Dr. Augustine's school? Whoa!"

Lizzie reached out to stop her brother from falling, only for the other woman to grab him.

"You're like a baby. Making noise, don't know what to do." The woman grumbled.

"See Jake?"

"Shut it, Lizzie!" Jake hissed, clenching his jaw.

Lizzie rolled her eyes.

"We need your help." Jake pleaded to the Native woman.

"You should not be here." The woman said, using a hand sign.

"Then take us with you."

"No! Go back."

"No." Jake responded stubbornly.

'He's gonna get us killed, I know it.' Lizzie thought.

"Kehe. Go back." (No)

"Jake maybe we, should...."

Lizzie's words faded away as white, jellyfish-like sprites floated down from above. She had only heard about these from many of the kids. When she couldn't asked quite understand, Mo'at told her what the spirits where, and the meaning behind them. Lizzie watched in amazment as the floated over her and Jake. Amazment quickly turned to irritation as her brother tried to knock them away from him.

"Ftang nga," Neytiri hissed, grabbing Jake's arm. "Rutxe....No!" (Stop that!/Please (whispered))

"Atokirina'! Atokirina..." (Seeds of the great tree!)

"Jake, don't move." Lizzie warned.

She watched as the seeds floated from above, down to the three, and landing on Jake. Cautiously, Lizzie held out her hands. A few seeds landed on her arms, some in her hands.

"What...what are they?" Jake asked, confused.

"Seeds of the sacred tree. Very pure spirits." The woman said, looking on in awe.

Lizzie was in amazment. She had only ever read about these. The fact they were seeing more than one? It had to mean that Eywa was watching them. Right?

A minute or two after the sprites landed, they floated away. Jake looked at the woman, a little sacred that he done something wrong. Lizzie on the other hand, had not taken her eyes off of the sprites. Watching them as they floated away.

"What was that about?" Jake asked.

"Lolu aungia." The woman whispered, to herself. (That has been a sign.)

She looked at the siblings for a moment, before grabbing their hands, and telling them to follower her.

"Hey, where are we going?" Jake asked, as he and his sister followed.

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