C is for Cassie

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I fumbled around in my purse, looking for my keys. Sid was behind me, drinking a beer. 

"Got em," I smiled, turning around to show Sid.

"Brillant, Cass. Now open the bloody door already." He laughed.

"Right," I said, dazed, inserting the key into the lock.

We walked into the apartment I shared with Chris.

"Cass… I thought we were going to fuck." He said as I opened the refrigerator. 

"We will Sid, we will. Don't worry about it." I turned around to face him. I smiled. He sat on the counter. I faced the refrigerator and searched for the block of cheese. 

"Hey, Sid. Find me a bottle of wine." I said, placing the block of cheese on the cutting board. I took out a knife and watched Sid hunt around the cupboards for a bottle of wine. Eventually, Sid bored me and my eyes fell upon the knife. I stared at the serrated edges and imagined them against my skin. 

"Cassie." Sid said.

"Yeah?" I was ripped from my imagination. "What, Sid?"

"I found a bottle of pino grigio. Will that work?"

"Yeah, Sid. That's lovely. Super lovely." I smiled again. 

"Cool," he said. He pulled the bottle down from the top cupboard. 

I turned my attention back to slicing the cheese. I slid the knife down the face of the cheese. 

After I cut about ten slices, I put the cheese back in the refrigerator. I then scavenged for the box of crackers in the cupboards.

When I found the crackers, I placed a sleeve of them on the plate, and put the cheese next to them. I met Sid on the couch, where he was already nursing the bottle of wine. 

"Having fun?" I mused. 

"Of course. Hey, did you see how Tony was eyeing that blonde at the club? Michelle was right next to him, too! The bastards going to get what's coming to him, if you know what I mean." he winked.

"Poor Michelle. Poor, poor, lovely Michelle." I said, taking the bottle from Sid. I brought the cool glass to my lips and sipped.

Sid was eating the crackers consistently. One after the other, after the other. He was eating my fair share as well. Perfect. That's why I only used one plate.

"Well, it's not like Michelle has been exactly loyal either." Sid suggested.

"No, Sid. We're not bringing that up." I said, cradling the bottle in my arms.

"I'm just saying." he shrugged, eating another cracker. "Want one?" 

"Oh, yeah, sure. Crackers. Love them." I said. My stomach turned. 

Holding one cracker in my hand, I slowly brought it to my lips. Sid was watching me. Just before it reached my mouth, I said quickly, "Hey, Sid. Has Tony ever done something behind Michelle's back?"

"What do you mean?" he asked, eating another cracker. 

"Christ Sid! Did he ever fuck a girl while dating Michelle?" I nearly screamed. 

"Oh what's it matter? Tony will do whatever he wants to! It's how men are!" he laughed. He took the wine from me and took a swig.

"It's how men are? Really, Sid? Would you fuck a girl behind my back?" I fumed. I don't know why I was getting mad over this. He hasn't so far. I've been the one who's cheated.

"Well maybe. I mean who's to say? If you did something terribly awful and I wanted to get back at you, maybe!" he growled. He was drunk.

"Really, Sid? You'd go around a screw another girl to get back at me?" I screamed, standing up from the couch.

"No, I wouldn't Cass. Just, sit," he said, grasping my forearm, "just sit down."

"Let go of me!" I snatched my arm away from his grasp. 


"Just leave Sid." I said. 


"Just leave, Sid!" I screamed. 

Chris came through the front door then. "Hey all!"

"Hi, Chris. Sid was just leaving." I said, making my way towards my bedroom door.

"Oh, alright then." Chris smiled, taking my spot on the couch.

"Cass," Sid pleaded. "Cass this is stupid and you know it." 

"Leave, Sid." I said, entering my bedroom. I shut the door behind me.

"What happened between you two?" I heard Chris ask.

"Christ, I don't even know, mate." he said quietly. 

Their conversation ended after that. I heard plates bash together in the kitchen sink. Then, the front door closed.

"He's gone, Cass." Chris informed me.

I was on my bed at that point. A few tears managed to escape my eyes. 

The only reason I could think of crying would be because while Sidney was saying that he would do some chick behind my back, I was imagining the same thing. Me doing a chick behind his back. Silly, really. 

I rolled over to the side of my bed so I could reach my bedside table. I opened the drawer and fished around for my pills. I found the bottle and popped two.

I left the safety of my room after I was sure all traces of Sid were gone: his smell, his imprint on the old couch, his fingerprints on the wine bottle.

"Hey, Chris?" I said, looking sheepishly up at the back of his head.

He turned around, his perky eyes glowing bright. "Yeah? What's up Cass?"

"Is it totally weird if I asked you to borrow your phone? I seemed to have lost mine." I smiled. It was under my pillow.

"Yeah, no problem."

"Super, cool. Thanks a bunch, Chris."

He handed me his cell phone and I walked back to my room.

I dialed a familiar number. 

He picked up, "Hey Cassie."

"Hi, Tony. It's lovely to heat from you. Thanks for calling."

"Cass… You're the one who called me, remember?"

"Oh, right. Of course I did. Wow." I bushed on the phone.

"Is there something you wanted to talk about? Something to ask me?" he prompted.

"Oh. Right! Well since I'm in a self-sabotaging behavior, I was wondering if you wanted to come over and shag?"

I heard him nearly choke on the other end. "But Cass. You have Sidney and I have Michelle., remember? Both of whom are our best friends."

"Oh, right. I'm sorry, Tony. That was really silly of me. Really, really silly."

It was silent for a few seconds.

"Well, then-" I began.

"When should I come over?" he breathed.

"Oh, Tony. You're wonderful. Absolutely wonderful." I grinned.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2013 ⏰

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