Chapter 15 - That's Why They Call it the Chaos

Start from the beginning

"He calls them Sith Destroyers, but... oh gods. Rjea, the weaponry wasn't finished then, so I can't tell you what it is now. But I can tell you, at the time of his death, they were studying superlasers, trying to perfect them, make them more mobile and I guess, user friendly."

"You're talking about a possible fleet of planet destroyers?" I asked, my brows furrowed. The technology to create the Death Star and Starkiller was astronomical. Surely you can't just slap one to a Star Destroyer like a freaking sticker. "How? Starkiller requires an entire planet, and the Death Star is completely impractical to build a fleet of." The resources alone would devastate the galaxy before any laser could.

"Superlasers are too unstable," Han huffed, agreeing with me.

"They were unstable," Kylo said, and I finally understood what Kandria was saying. She can't confirm the existence of them, but they've had decades to work on it.

"Kandria, have you learned anything on the inhabitants of the planet?" Somebody had to be building these things.

"Er, yeah. They're Sith cultists." That must be who I'd seen. There were thousands of them. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to ground myself. This new information was damning. Briefly, I was glad my parents didn't hear this news, or they would have demanded to come with us, to fight with us. A threat this size was not just a threat to our Empire, it was a threat to every living thing in the galaxy, including the Ascendancy. In fact, I'm positive Ar'alani would have sent the fleet somehow.

Kylo's comm beeped, and he answered it.

"If you find anything else, call me. Thank you Kan, and don't worry. Okay? Kylo and I are in our positions for a reason."

My head jerked when Kylo's voice raised at his comm. Hate bubbled up inside him, his fury almost visible through the force.

"I love you," I heard Kandria say.

"I love you too, good bye," I said, and clicked the comm off. I walked closer to Kylo.

I heard Hux's voice just before Kylo clicked the comm off. His eyes were dark with rage.

"Allegiant General Pryde has fled." His eyes were locked on mine, his jaw flexing. I felt my own rage flutter in my chest, but I swallowed it. I'd always hated that guy, but Kylo knew that, and it would not do any good to point it out.

"He worked in Palpatine's Empire, did he not?" He nodded. "Then we are to assume he has been in contact with Palpatine. I'll put out an alert on him and the ship he left in. He cannot be allowed to reach Exegol." I tapped away furiously at my datapad, sending the orders.

My head jerked up. "Can we track him? Follow him to Exegol, then blow it out of sky?"

Kylo closed his eyes, his jaw tight. "No. Hux said he's deactivated the tracking system." I let out out a breath, my excitement at the idea smothered.

"Could I get some more context, please?" Leia asked. Kylo began to explain things, but my attention snapped to Luke.

I felt him come to a conclusion, peace washing over him. I narrowed my eyes, understand exactly what he was planning on doing. No way, no freaking way.

He excused himself for the refresher, with the wayfinder.

"I'd like to go speak with him, if that is okay," I said to both Kylo and Leia, interrupting them. They nodded their consent and continued speculating.

Slipping out of the room, I followed his force signature. Sure enough, he was heading to the hangers.

I caught up to him as he entered. "Luke," I said.

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