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"oh hey, what's with the rush? what's wrong?"

"the box of tapes in the art room, they're gone!"

"oh? i handed it over to my kouhai, amane yugi, i'll be texting him when we're done renovating everything."

"what?! why would you do that?!"

"its not like i have a choice anyways— but wait, you're the owner of the tapes?"

"...well yeah! those are mine— i would like to take it back please."

"don't worry, yugi-kouhai is not a gossiper, he takes care of things so i'm sure the tapes will be safe in his hands. i'll go text him to give you the tapes when i finish up my painting."

"um, senpai... just a request but please text him to put the box of tapes in the art room for me to pick it up, don't tell him that i was the one who needed them back."

"sure, sure."

amane is aware of his feelings for [name], but sometimes he's stupidly dense. right now, he couldn't unhear the thought of pandora having a similar voice with [name], and the fact that after five tapes he'll realize that the voice sounded familiar.

he mounts the sixth tape inside the player, only three tapes were left unheard. amane presses the start button as the sixth tape plays.

dear a,

when i'm in your arms and holding me close all the hurt just flies away

if i were to be asked what i love about you, i would list many reasons, probably this tape would be one hour long but i'll keep it short. i love your eyes, your smile and how you make me fall for your charms.

i love your laughs, and i could never directly admit that i like your cheesy pick up lines. i love your hands, for some reason it fits with mine when we intertwine our fingers together *giggles*

amane wanted pandora to know that they're both suffering from one-sided love together. it's not like they have a choice to do so.

i'm still figuring out whether i should confess or should i shrug off these feelings and pretend we're friends even though i don't think of you that way. honestly, falling for your bestfriend is like the worse things ever.

"yeah." amane replied, there was a lump inside his throat, then tears start to swell up from his eyes until he found himself crying in the middle of the night. he sniffled, wiping every tear that fell down to his cheeks with the back of his hand. 'god amane, you're so weak...'  he scolded himself.

after he had stopped crying, amane turns to look at his ukelele that tsukasa had given him from their birthday as an ongoing joke to serenade [name] and it's totally not a reference from another book. he ended up using it whenever he's bored. 

the moment we hold each other

everything melts

you are my orbit

you're my one and only

fly through the night sky with you

dear sputnik; tomorrow by together

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