Chapter 1 "A Man Of Great Power"

Start from the beginning

The men then trained their AK-47 rifles at the spot he was taking cover underneath a thick security personnel's table which was protecting his body from being hit by the bullets. As the wood thudded from the relentless gunfire it received.

Fortunately, a Police car on patrol had heard the gunshots and immediately drove to the scene as its sirens blared and caught the attention of the armed assailants and caused the officers to swiftly engage in a fire-fight with the conspirators of the attack. The Police officers then began to call for assistance as they combated the hostiles.

"Stop right there you bastards!"

One of the policemen shouted as he shot his Colt pistol to distract the attention of the men who were peppering a metal table with bullets, which he presumed had an innocent civilian taking cover. Their pistols opened fire and began to pepper the assailants with bullets as one of them was killed in the onslaught of bullets.

Gunshots rang as both the policemen and terrorists were in a gunfight. However, due to the experience of the terrorists. The policemen were slowly getting overwhelmed as their standard pistols simply could not compete with the assault rifles used by the armed men, to their credit however they managed to kill 2 of the terrorists laying waste to the car they were using as cover.

The fighting gave Hodgkins a chance to relocate himself to a position where a terrorist was coincidentally taking cover at least a few feet away from his position. As the officers were putting up a ruthless fight despite being disadvantaged. With the terrorists mostly busy keeping the policemen contained.

'I think I should tackle that guy to help the police control the situation as I have the element of surprise here.'

Hodgkins thought as he was pretty confident he could do such an insane task where the risk of him getting killed was extremely high. But then again he always knew that he was such an eccentric guy who loved action.

He then sprints toward the armed terrorist with nothing but his wits or fists. As he clenched his fists and ran his sneakers thudding on the ground.

The man in question suddenly turns around catching Hodgkins off guard and continuing to sprint as fast as he can. The armed man in panic attempts to train his rifle on the lunatic sprinting toward him but before he can do such a thing. Hodgkins lunges at him quickly tackling him as the two men battled for the rifle.

The nearby terrorists however failed to notice this as they were distracted by two Police cars that had just arrived to subdue them and were quite busy trying to put up a fight as the flurry of bullets and gunshots was heard.

Tired of these civilian's antics. The terrorist pulled out a knife in an attempt to stab Hodgkins however used a brick to hit the man's arm causing the man to drop the knife in pain and scream quietly. As the man tries to look at his arm James continues to batter with the brick until Hodgkins can no longer do it as the brick has fractured and bruised the gunman's arm.

With the man trying to hold his broken arm, this gave James the opening he needed to defeat one of the fuckers involved but being a young man he hesitated in doing such a task because of his reluctance. As he never wanted to become a murderer like these bastards.

The masked man in desperation or fear then quickly pulls out his pistol and hits James in the head with it causing him to be slightly incapacitated and enraged. Knocking the man off him, the man quickly tries to take ahold of his rifle and shoot the young man who had caused him trouble. As Hodgkins head throbbed with pain and anger as angered and vengeful thoughts graced his mind.

Hodgkins quickly recovers and reacts by grabbing a rock and bashing the man's head. Incapacitating the terrorist, but being in such an enraged state and need for revenge for those this man and his comrades had murdered. The young man continued using his strength in bashing the man's head for 5 minutes with his blood, brain and skull matter continuously being splattered on the nearby area every time Hodgkins bashed Man's skull.

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