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Tubbo. There was Tubbo. The half goat boy he married. He's running. What is he running from? Ranboo took a moment to look around at his surroundings. What is this place? It appeared to be a dark hallway, dimly lit. He noticed pictures on the wall. Tubbo and Michael, but they were not happy. Pictures of them being scared or the aftermath of an attack. They look so terrified. Other pictures displayed the wake the L'manburg explosion left behind. Another picture showed him giving Dream explosives. He doesn't even remember doing that. I aided Dream in the destruction of L'manburg? He shifted his gaze to his right and there was Dream. Axe of Ender in hand, Ranboo slowly walks towards Tubbo. Looking crazed with purple eyes. Tubbo reaches a dead end and backs against the wall. He looks so scared. Why is he scared? Why am I chasing him? Ranboo catches up with him. Slowly walking toward him while raising his axe. Wait, why am I doing this thought Ranboo, not able to control his body. It was like he was just a passenger inside of a machine designed to kill. He didn't want to harm Tubbo. Why am I trying to hurt Tubbo? He creeped even closer to him, raising his axe high over his head. "No! Stop!" Ranboo tried to say out loud but instead just screamed as if he was yelling from the other side of a canyon. "Ranboo stop!" Tubbo yelled, now backed against the wall staring up at his entranced husband. "Kill him Ranboo!" Dream's voice echoed through the black void. "Kill him!" He looked down at him, Tubbos bright, green eyes peeking through his long hair. An accident involving nuclear radiation had caused his eyes to have a faint glow to them; so he grew out his hair to cover them, also because he's married to a half enderman. As he was about to lower the axe he whispered in a strained voice, "I-I'm so sorry." The axe came down in a swift motion, whistling as it cut through the air.

"No!" Ranboo screams as he jolts upright. "Tubbo!" He looks around sporadically , breathing hard. He was sitting in a field. Soft grass beneath him. He picks some up as a comfort from this nightmare. That was something he liked to do. Picking up grass was a special ability. It always felt nice to just hold it. It was always so soft and comforting. Holding the grass he sits there for a few moments. He drops the grass and looks down at his clothes. They are torn and dirty. Stains of blood mark his white, button up shirt. Dried mud spotted his black shoes.There is a huge tear in the side of his waistcoat, a button was also missing. Small cuts decorated his arms and hands. He reached up and felt his face, a long cut spanned from the bottom of his eye to his chin. It was still somewhat fresh. What happened to me? He thought. What did I do? I need to find Tubbo. He stands up, brushes the dirt off himself and looks around. Underneath where he was lying there was a small patch of blood on the grass. He looked up and he seemed to be in the middle of a grassy field with small patches of snow. How did I get here? He continues to look around, in the distance he can see the mansion. Tubbo and Michaels home. His home. He starts to run as fast as he can to the huge building. Snow Chester. A snowy village owned by The beloveds. A few other people had homes but most never visited. After running for a few minutes Ranboo finally made it back. He ran inside frantically looking for his family. "Tubbo! Where are you?!" He yells, his voice bouncing off the walls of the recently finished mansion. Ranboo bolts up the stairs, skipping every other step to go faster. He runs to the bedroom to find Tubbo sitting on the bed, Michael in a small crib next to it."Tubbo!" Ranboo says excitedly. "Ranboo? Are you ok?" Tubbo asked. "I don't know but that's not important. Dream came to me again. He removed the mask and I- I lost control. I don't know what I did. Did I hurt you?" "N-No, of course not." Tubbo replied, sounding somewhat scared. Ranboo could tell he was lying, he noticed a small blood stain on Tubbos sleeve. He walked over to him and said "Show me." He sighed and reluctantly rolled up his sleeve to reveal three newly made cuts in his forearm. They looked deep and maliciously made. It appeared as if some giant creature with claws attacked him. It was stitched together crudely, as if he did it himself. "I did that?"Ranboo asked. "No! I just accidentally upset an enderman, that's all." He replied, he didn't sound sincere. "What happened to you Ranboo? You look like you've been through hell."Tubbo said, quickly changing the topic. Ranboo looked at the wound for a moment then said, "It was me wasn't it?" Tubbo said nothing and just stared at the ground. "I can't believe I did that. How could I do that to you? How could i..." Ranboo trails off. He continues to mumble to himself and goes to the corner of the room and sits down. He puts his head in his hands. "How could I hurt you!?" he screams. Ranboo doesn't cry often, but this, this was too much for him. Tears start to stream down his face. Along with the tears comes the pain. His skin starts to singe as the small drops of water fall down his face. He can't stop. The thought of hurting Tubbo was enough to break him. This time he actually did. His face begins to smoke as his tears start to burn more and more. "Ranboo stop! It's ok! I'm alright!" Tubbo says running over to Ranboo trying to comfort him.Tubbo quickly wipes the water off his distressed face. Gently trying to dry it as fast as possible."Hey! It's ok! It's not your fault Boss Man! Stop crying!" he says softly, sitting down with him. Ranboo squeezes Tubbo as hard as he can. He sits there and does his best to calm him down. He was easily distressed but didn't usually cry. This was different, he hated himself. He can't control himself. He hurt his family. 

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