In Which Hilda Plays Romance Detective

211 12 3

The Dumbass Trio


Hilda: have you guys seen Alfur??

[Frida is now online!]

Frida: No, I haven't.
Frida: Sorry, Hilda. :(

[David is now online!]

David: Why do you need him?

Hilda: want to ask him a question

Frida: What question?

Hilda: i
Hilda: cant remember now

David: Aksjjsndjd

Frida: Wow. /lh

Hilda: have you seen him David?

David: Nope
David: Sorry :(

Hlda: i wonder where he is

Frida: Have you tried texting him?

Hilda: ...
Hilda: brb

Direct Messages: Hilda to Alfur!


Hilda: hey
Hilda: hey
Hilda: psst

[Alfur is now online!]

Alfur: What do you need, Hilda?

Hilda: where are you

Alfur: I'm with Bartell right now.
Alfur: Why? Do you need me?

Hilda: oh?
Hilda: youre with bartell you say?

Alfur: Yes??
Alfur: Are you okay?
Alfur: Are you feeling well?

Hilda: oh im fine
Hilda: i was actually going to ask you a question but
Hilda: i forgor :(

Alfur: *Forgot.

Hilda: lmao i know

Alfur: Hmm.
Alfur: Well, I'm sure you'll remember the question. :)

Hilda: Yeah.
Hilda: anyways
Hilda: what are you and bartell doing right now?

Alfur: He's showing me his spear collection. :)
Alfur: It's quite.
Alfur: Interesting.
Alfur: He seems happy talking about it, though. :)

Hilda: ooo cool
Hilda: anyways see ya Alfur
Hilda: you and bartell have fun ;)

Alfur: ..
Alfur: Why is only my name capitalized?
The Dumbass Trio


Hilda: he's with bartell

Frida: Omg.

David: ????

Hilda: add a mark to the chart

Frida: Doing that right now.

Hilda: good

David: What mark??
David: What chart??

Hilda: how many times Alfur has visited bartell this month

David: How many marks are on the chart?

Frida: Eight.

David: Woah

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