'Goodbye Friendly Neighbourhood Spiderman'

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I swung from building to building away from where a fight, I'd just won, had taken place. Being Spiderman wasn't easy on its own, nevermind being a massive target to HYDRA. 

On Top of that I was on seven cups of coffee per day. I was exhausted with a lack of zero energy. I haven't had a good night's sleep since July, roughly that's four months ago. 

You may be thinking 'Your Spiderman, you have all the time in the world to sleep' Well, here's your answer. Even when I'm not busy fighting, I can't sleep through my nightmares. The deaths I could have prevented and the people I've let down. My main thing that causes my anxiety is guilt. I could've saved thousands including my girlfriend, Gwen and Aunt May. 

They would still be alive if it weren't for me. All I've ever done is put people I love and care about in danger. I lost Aunt May, the last member of my family, gone. Because of my selfish actions. A tear leaked out of my eye, sinking into my mask, like it never existed. I rip my mask off, breathing in a deep breath of the cold, icy air. Before turning my back to what was once my neighbourhood, my home. I have no one left, so what's the point of staying somewhere that only brings up bad memories? I may not have anyone who loves me left but I love everyone and this is why I'm doing this.. That's why I chose to leave. Goodbye Friendly Neighbourhood Spiderman, Hello Mysterious, Spider-Noir..

{Two Months Later}

Tony's POV:

I blinked my eyes open just to be blinded by the light. I squeezed my eyes together and covered my face. "It's too brighttt~'' I whined, pulling the blankets over my head. 'If you get up, I'll close the curtains." a voice spoke on my left side. "Nooo" "Just close the freaking curtains'' I whimper. 'Tones, you do this every morning. Just get up!" Steph groaned, pulling the blankets off me. "Hmph" I disagree, turning away from him. I hear Steph leave the room, a smile tugging at my lips.

 For once I had won the battle of getting out of bed. At least that's what I thought. I sat up in bed, water making its way down my back. My eyes scan the room and land on Steph, he had a bucket in his hands and a smirk forming on his face. "You asked for it, Tones," he says, rolling his eyes before sashaying out of the room. I fling my head back into my pillow, letting out a loud groan.

 After getting changed I made my way out of my room and downstairs. As soon as I walked into the kitchen, one word. Chaos. "WHO ATE MY POP TARTS?!?!" Screamed Thor. "TONY, NAT'S GONNA KILL ME!" Clint yelped, flinging himself into the closest vent. "GET BACK HERE CLINT!" Nat roared following after Clint. "SHUT UP, PEOPLE" Steph cried out. "LANGUAGE!" Steve shot back. "YOU GUYS ARE A HEADACHE" I shouted over them. All heads turn to me. "THEY LEARNT IT FROM YOU, TONY" Nat's voice echoed through the vents. 

These bitc- "DON'T YOU DARE TONY, LANGUAGE '' Wanda screamed, pointing her finger at me. "DON'T READ MY MIND, WITCH" I shreeched "I WANT MY POP TARTS" Thor summoned his hammer, raising it above his head. "THOR NO!" Bruce blared, snatching the hammer off Thor. "SEE WHY I DON'T WANT KIDS?!?" I turn to Steph but before he can say anything, Clint falls from a vent and crashes on top of him. "I HAVE KIDS AND THEIR SO CALM!" Clint squeaked, patting Steph's head. "THEY OBVIOUSLY DIDN'T GET IT FROM YOU" Steph growled in both annoyance and pain. "AHHHHHH" We all screamed in union.

It took another hour or so until everyone was quietly eating breakfast. Bruce was the first to break the silence. "Hey Tony?" I looked up from my food. "Mhm?" I replied with no effort. "You know that kid who had an internship at SI a while back?" he continued. I racked my brain for a minute. "Oh, yes. Peter. Peter Parker" I confirm with a nod. 

"The Kid, also turned out to be Spiderman" I add. "Thinking about it, now. I haven't talked to the kid in ages." I relax back in my chair. "Why not?" Clint leans forward including himself in our conversation. I shrug, "He's a kid and I'm an adult" I say plainly "And? His one of us" Thor leans against Bruce's shoulder. "Yeah! And he has fought in wars for us!" Nat standing with Bruce. A hum of agreement went around the room. 

Soon enough everyone was standing next to/behind Bruce. I threw my hands up in defeat. "Okay, Okay! I'll give him a call" I give a small laugh. "I wanna say hi!" Clint burst out, a large small covering his face. "Me too!" Everyone else adds in union. These guys become so much brighter when it comes to peter. That boy is magic. "Hey JARVIS" I say, tilting my head to the roof as if I was looking at someone.

 "What can I do for you, Sir?" JARVIS replied, 3.5 seconds later. "Call Peter Parker" I speak, the whole room was silent as the phone rang. This was like deactivating a bomb. Sweat formed on my brow. All that just for the phone call to cut out. "JARVIS, what happened?" I ask, slightly confused. "This number has a high tech firewall" JARVIS Echoed "Interesting, We have higher tech don't we?" Thor questioned. "Of course we-" I roll my eyes. What a stupid question. "We Unfortunately, No. Prince Thor" 

My mouth dropped open, which quickly copied and pasted" How?! This kid is smarter than Tony!- The Tony Stark!!" Clint howled in delight. I was stunned. I shook my head. "What level, JARVIS?" I cough. Half not wanting to know how much more intelligent this kid was. "Level 8, sir" I felt my face go white. "That doesn't sound very high" Steve looked at me then noticed my face. "It doesn't seem high. But JARVIS is level-.." I choke. HOW? How can a kid surpass me?! "4" JARVIS concludes before going quiet again. 

I sniff, wiping a fake tear. "Suck it up, Tones. We all knew you weren't going to stay the highest forever" Steph says, patting my head in fake sympathy. "But what we didn't know is that you would be surpassed by a 17 year old" Nat smirks, her comment sent a bunch of evil giggles around the room. "Anyway, back on topic" Bruce voiced. "How are we going to contact this kid if we can't call him?" I had been thinking this a moment before and I knew the answer. "If we can't call him. We have to visit him" I shrug, closing my eyes. I knew everyone was staring at me. I was a genius. "No you're not," Wanda interrupted my speech. "tHe kId iS." I huff, crossing my arms. They're never going to call me smart again. Maybe I should go back to drinking.. "Tony no." Is all Wanda whispered. One thing was for sure. I was going to see my successor!.........

At least that's what I thought..

Word count: (1209)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2022 ⏰

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